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From: jparnold on 18 Dec 2009 10:00 I'm new to programming and am trying to create code to read a row cells C5 - C24 and determine what cell has a 0 value (The row is always sorted by descending values). So I want to read each cell starting with C5 through the end of the range C24, and stop when it gets the first 0 value. Here is my code so far. (with the help from a previous reply to a post). I also am trying to capture the start and end cell range for the row adjecent (B5 - B24) but I only need to capture the Values from row "C" and make them for row "B". I've commented out the offending statements to help you see what I have so far. Then I am trying to inbed these four values in a chart on the same sheet. Thank you in advance all Help is appreceated! Jamie Sub CreateNewSortRange() Dim MyRange As Range Dim c As Range Dim StartTotalsRangeAddress As Variant Dim EndTotalsRangeAdress As Variant Dim StartCategoryRangeAddress As Variant Dim EndCategoryRangeAdress As Variant Set MyRange = Sheets("TestRange").Range("NewDataSeriesArea") For Each c In MyRange If c.Value > 0 And StartTotalsRangeAddress = "" Then StartTotalsRangeAddress = c.Address ' StartCategoryRangeAddress = StartTotalsRangeAddress End If If c.Value = 0 Then EndTotalsRangeAddress = c.Offset(-1).Address ' EndCategoryRangeAddress = EndTotalsRangeAddress Exit For End If Next MsgBox "Totals Range Start= " & StartTotalsRangeAddress MsgBox "Totals Range End= " & EndTotalsRangeAddress MsgBox "Category Range Start= " & StartCategoryTotalsRangeAddress MsgBox "Category Range End= " & EndCategoryTotalsRangeAddress ' ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate ' ActiveChart.ChartArea.Select ' ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "=TestRange! StartTotalsRangeAddress:EndTotalsRangeAddress" ' ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "=TestRange! StartCategoryTotalsRangeAddress:EndCategoryTotalsRangeAddress" End Sub |