From: Scott Neally on
Andy.Barnard(a) wrote in message <73c11ceb-fe9f-491c-af34-8628057e0c9e(a)>...
> Hi
> I'm successfully making word documents using active x from matlab but
> I cannot resize the image that has been pasted into the word document
> using macro record in word the command syntax would appear to be
> Selection.InlineShapes(1).Height = newheight
> Selection.InlineShapes(1).Width = newheight
> I use the following code to paste a figure
> WordFileName=['test.doc'];
> CurDir=pwd;
> FileSpec = fullfile(CurDir,WordFileName);
> actx_word = actxserver('Word.Application');
> actx_word.Visible = true;
> trace(actx_word.Visible);
> if ~exist(WordFileName,'file');
> % Create new document:
> word_handle = invoke(actx_word.Documents,'Add');
> else
> % Open existing document:
> word_handle = invoke(actx_word.Documents,'Open',FileSpec);
> end
> figtoprint=figure(1);
> plot([1 1],[2 4])
> print(figtoprint,'-dmeta')
> % Find end of document and make it the insertion point:
> end_of_doc = get(actx_word.activedocument.content,'end');
> set(actx_word.application.selection,'Start',end_of_doc);
> set(actx_word.application.selection,'End',end_of_doc);
> % Paste the contents of the Clipboard:
> invoke(actx_word.Selection,'Paste');
> actx_word.Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment=2; %align figure to the
> right
> The line below should resize the pasted figure but doesnt work
> % actx_word.Selection.InlineShapes(1).Height = 396.85;
> delete(actx_word);
> Does anyone have any experience of doing this and what command you
> used
> Thank you

I was researching the same thing but didn't come up with a solution using activex. However, you can resize the figure before you save it/copy to clipboard and this will solve your problem with a little trial and error.