From: Me.Frustrated = True on
I wrote the stuff below to try to restore the defaults. I also put code in
the OnClick event of both the "grow" and "shrink" buttons to count the number
of times the form was magnified or de-magnified (magnify adds 1, de-magnify
subtracts 1,) and store that count in the form's "Tag" property. Then I used
the Tag value (an integer) to create a "multiplier." In theory, dividing each
of the form's controls and dimensions by the formula (1.1 ^ mult) should take
them back to the original sizes, but it doesn't:

*** code start ***
Public Function DefaultSize()
Dim strForm As Form
Dim ctl As Control
Dim dflt As Double
Dim mult As Long
Set strForm = Screen.ActiveForm
mult = strForm.Tag
dflt = 1.1 ^ mult

'On Error GoTo err_blocker

Do While mult > 0
With strForm
.Width = strForm.Width / dflt
.Detail.Height = strForm.Detail.Height / dflt
.FormHeader.Height = strForm.FormHeader.Height / dflt
End With

For Each ctl In strForm.Controls
If ctl.Tag <> "NoResize" Then
If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Or ctl.ControlType = acComboBox _
Or ctl.ControlType = acLabel Or ctl.ControlType =
acCommandButton Then
ctl.Height = ctl.Height / dflt
ctl.Width = ctl.Width / dflt
ctl.FontSize = ctl.FontSize / dflt
ctl.Left = ctl.Left / dflt
ctl.Top = ctl.Top / dflt
End If
End If

RunCommand acCmdSizeToFitForm

Exit Function

MsgBox (Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description)
Resume exit_here

End Function
*** code end ***

"John W. Vinson" wrote:
> That would probably help. The only way I can think of would be to store the
> current magnification scale in a VBA variable so that you can "undo" it, or to
> store the default dimensions similarly.
> --
> John W. Vinson [MVP]
> .