From: Utsav Gupta on
I receive the dates from Twitter in the following format "Mon Mar 22
04:42:17 +0000 2010"

Now how can I create a time object from this string... ie Obj.year=2010,
Obj.month=3... etc etc


Utsav Gupta
Posted via

From: Chuck Remes on
On Mar 22, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Utsav Gupta wrote:

> I receive the dates from Twitter in the following format "Mon Mar 22
> 04:42:17 +0000 2010"
> Now how can I create a time object from this string... ie Obj.year=2010,
> Obj.month=3... etc etc

Quite simple.

cremes$ irb
ruby-1.9.1-p378 > require 'time'
=> true
ruby-1.9.1-p378 > s = "Mon Mar 22 04:42:17 +0000 2010"
=> "Mon Mar 22 04:42:17 +0000 2010"
ruby-1.9.1-p378 > t = Time.parse s
=> 2010-03-21 23:42:17 -0500
ruby-1.9.1-p378 > t.month
=> 3
ruby-1.9.1-p378 > t.year
=> 2010

Note that Time.parse creates your time object with the local timezone. You can still access zulu time by using the #utc method on that object.
