From: Lorenzo Guerrasio on
"peter " <petzh912(a)> wrote in message <hldl2m$n2r$1(a)>...
> Thanks for your answer, when I tried your code it gives me someting like an exponential curve, also when I choose q=0 then you get division by zero. I have a vector with predefined values which I'm trying to rotate.

sorry,it was oviously -q/m

>> m=3;
>> q=2;
>> [x,z]=meshgrid(-100:100);
>> ysup=-q/m+m.*sqrt(x.^2+z.^2);
>> yinf=-q/m-m.*sqrt(x.^2+z.^2);
>> surf(x,z,ysup)
>> hold on
>> surf(x,z,yinf)

This is no exponentaial, it's just that you are computing the surface over a rectangular grid. Of course you can do everything with polar coordinates, then you could have the shape of two cones.You might try this

[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(m.*y+q);

> My current solution is to calculate the distance from each matrix element to the center and then interpolate the appropriate value, for instance distance 20.5 then I make a linear interpolation between element 20 and 21 from my vector.
> There should exist an easier way...?

I still cant understand why you want to interpolate...can't you just make the grid thinner?
-q/m + (x.^2+z.^2) is the (cartesian) distance from the center
From: Lorenzo Guerrasio on
ok, I see now your original problem,
now I think I got what you meant:so,if both x and y points are in ascending order, cylinder and interp1 should be enough:
have a look at this:
y=sort(y);%your data
subplot(1,2,1),plot(x,y,'x-'),axis square%plot the data
xi=interp1(y,x,highs);%find the values of the radius at regular interval
hold on,plot(xi,highs,'r--')%just check that this is a good interpolation
[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(xi);%in X and Y the carthesian vaues of the radius, in Z the %normalized hight
subplot(1,2,2),surf(X,Y,Z.*max(highs),'linestyle','none'),axis square%the surface
figure%just to show that the line belongs to the surface
surf(X,Y,Z.*max(highs),'linestyle','none'),axis square
hold on

Hope I got what you needed.

"Lorenzo Guerrasio" <lorenzo.guerrasio(a)> wrote in message <hldrvl$i0s$1(a)>...
> "peter " <petzh912(a)> wrote in message <hldl2m$n2r$1(a)>...
> > Thanks for your answer, when I tried your code it gives me someting like an exponential curve, also when I choose q=0 then you get division by zero. I have a vector with predefined values which I'm trying to rotate.
> sorry,it was oviously -q/m
> >> m=3;
> >> q=2;
> >> [x,z]=meshgrid(-100:100);
> >> ysup=-q/m+m.*sqrt(x.^2+z.^2);
> >> yinf=-q/m-m.*sqrt(x.^2+z.^2);
> >> surf(x,z,ysup)
> >> hold on
> >> surf(x,z,yinf)
> This is no exponentaial, it's just that you are computing the surface over a rectangular grid. Of course you can do everything with polar coordinates, then you could have the shape of two cones.You might try this
> t=-5:.1:5;
> [X,Y,Z] = cylinder(m.*y+q);
> surf(X,Y,Z,'linestyle','none')
> > My current solution is to calculate the distance from each matrix element to the center and then interpolate the appropriate value, for instance distance 20.5 then I make a linear interpolation between element 20 and 21 from my vector.
> > There should exist an easier way...?
> I still cant understand why you want to interpolate...can't you just make the grid thinner?
> PS
> -q/m + (x.^2+z.^2) is the (cartesian) distance from the center
From: peter on
Looks awesome! Thanks
However my data won't always be in a sorted order. For instance if I add y(10)=2, the resulting "volume" get the wrong shape. Is this preventable?
From: Lorenzo Guerrasio on
"peter " <petzh912(a)> wrote in message <hlg8d5$h2u$1(a)>...
> Looks awesome! Thanks
> However my data won't always be in a sorted order. For instance if I add y(10)=2, the resulting "volume" get the wrong shape. Is this preventable?

Hi,glad it helped.
So the idea was to give a hint for the simple case of a monotonous function. You could have just had a look to cylinder to see how it generates the matrix.
Extending the problem to the more general case is not that complex. You could make use of the pol2cart function, that transfor cylindric coordinates (since what you want is basically a cilinder) in chartesian. Here you are, don't know if is the most efficient, but looks as it works to me. Hope this help.

y=x+randn(20,1);%generate your (x,y) data
datasort=sortrows([x,y],1);%just sort the absciss,so you can plot a line
ro=repmat(datasort(:,1),1,length(theta));%for each theta you have the same value
z=repmat(datasort(:,2),1,length(theta));%of ro(that is x) and z(that is y)
[X,Y,Z]=pol2cart(thetarep,ro,z);%inbuilt function
subplot(1,2,1),plot(datasort(:,1),datasort(:,2),'kx-'),axis square%the line
subplot(1,2,2),surf(X,Y,Z,'linestyle','none','facealpha',.7);%the surface
axis square
figure%plot them toghether
hold on
axis square
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