From: Ruchir on 29 Jul 2010 08:19 > can someone please help with this? #!/usr/bin/tclsh set ilist { {0 1 2} {0 1 3} {0 2 1} {1 1 2} {1 2 3} } # assume size of each row to be same set num_col [llength [lindex $ilist 0]] set i 0 set nlist {} foreach r $ilist { puts "$i -> $r" set j 0 foreach c $r { if {$i == 0} { lappend nlist [list $c] } else { set l [lindex $nlist $j] lappend l $c lset nlist $j $l } incr j } incr i } puts "\ntransposed list --->" set i 0 foreach ele $nlist { puts "$i -> $ele" incr i }
From: tomk on 29 Jul 2010 11:52 On Jul 28, 10:52 pm, ashneerson <ashneer...(a)> wrote: > hi, have a puzzle with rotating a list like below > > {{ht a3 pr2} {ht a2 pr1} {lt a1 pr2} {lt a3 pr4} {ht a2 pr2}} > > into a list like this one: > > {{ht ht ht lt lt} {a2 a2 a1 a3} {pr1 pr2 pr2 pr2 pr4}} > > so that to rotate the columns to rows and retain original > correspondence between the list elements. > > can someone please help me figure out the trick? > -a. For the case given you could do the following (assuming the first list is in a variable named alist). foreach a b c d e {*}${alist} { lappend result [list $a $b $c $d $e] } The result isn't exactly the same result suggested because it appears the elements is the suggested result appear to have been sorted while my example is a rotation. tomk
From: hae on 29 Jul 2010 14:54 On 29 Jul., 12:56, Uwe Klein <uwe_klein_habertw...(a)> wrote: > hae wrote: > > here a version of prettyprintlist that works. > > so where is your improvement ( except partly > fixing the issues some(your?) MUA inserted )? > > uwe Your version had a trailing \ with some puts that did not work for me. For example Compare 'puts -nonewline \t\{\' with 'puts -nonewline \t\{' That is the change. Rüdiger
From: Uwe Klein on 29 Jul 2010 15:06 hae wrote: > Your version had a trailing \ with some puts that did not work for me. > For example > Compare 'puts -nonewline \t\{\' > with 'puts -nonewline \t\{' > > That is the change. > > R�diger what I posted was 'puts -nonewline \t\{\<space>' "\t\{ " would have been equivalent for the payload Not quite sure who had the <space> for dinner. uwe
From: mark anthony on 30 Jul 2010 16:17 i wanted to see how my matrix lib performs in comparison to your suggestions... anyway let me share my timings. either i'm to stupid to use struct::matrix or its awfully slow for this operation (or since struct::matrix does it in place, we actually flip the same matrix so this could be the cause but shouldn't). anyway, your suggestions used only half the time of struct::matrix. also i wonder why my code is so much faster.... timing results: tomk 2078.416 microseconds per iteration ruchir 2002.312 microseconds per iteration uwe 1921.835 microseconds per iteration kob 1043.529 microseconds per iteration ::struct::matrix 4082.555 microseconds per iteration for your convenience find the script used for testing bellow cheers, mark p.s. feedback is appreciated --- code follows --- #!/usr/bin/tclsh ::puts "transpose \nUsage:" ::puts "transpose ?--time?" ::set mi 20 ::set mj 50 ::package require struct::matrix ::set clist { {0 1 2 } {0 1 3 } {0 2 1 } {1 1 2 } {1 2 3 } } ::struct::matrix mycmatrix mycmatrix deserialize [::list 5 3 $clist] ## prepare the test data ::puts "init" ::proc getnum {} { ::return [::expr {100000*rand()}] } ::struct::matrix mymatrix ::set mymatrixlist [::list] ::for {::set i 0 } {$i < $mi } {::incr i } { ::set row [::list] ::for {::set j 0 } {$j < $mj } {::incr j } { ::lappend row [getnum] } ::lappend mymatrixlist $row } mymatrix deserialize [::list $mi $mj $mymatrixlist] ## procs ## tcllib proc transpose { } { mymatrix transpose } ::proc tomk { alist } { set i 0 foreach a ${alist} { lappend args a${i} ${a} incr i } set res "" foreach {a b} ${args} { append res " \$${a}" } foreach {*}${args} { lappend result [eval list $res] } return $result } ::proc ttranspose {} { tomk $::mymatrixlist } ## ashneerson ::proc rotate_list { list } { ::set W [::llength $list] ::set H [::llength [::lindex $list 0]] ::set w $H ::set h $W ::set lst [::list ] ::for {::set i 0 } {$i < $h} {incr i} { ::set case [::list ] ::for {::set j 0} {$j < $w} {incr j} { ::lappend case [::lindex $list [::expr {($w-$j -1)}] $i] } ::lappend lst $case } ::return $lst } ::proc arotate { } { ::rotate_list $::mymatrixlist } ## uwe ::proc listrot list { ::set columns {} ::set col 0 ::foreach line $list { ::if {!$col} { ::foreach item $line { ::lappend columns c::$col ::incr col } } ::set col 0 ::foreach item $line { ::lappend c(c::$col) $item ::incr col } } ::foreach tok $columns { ::lappend ret $c($tok) } ::return $ret } ::proc utranspose {} { listrot $::mymatrixlist } ## kob ## taken from my matrix namespace ::proc dim { A } { ::set i [::llength $A ] ::set j [::llength [::lindex $A 0] ] ::return [::list $i $j ] } ::proc Mat { dai x daj } { ::for {::set i 0} {$i<$daj } {::incr i} { ::lappend list 0 } ::for {::set i 0} {$i<$dai} {::incr i} { ::lappend C $list } ::return $C } ::proc T { A } { ::foreach [::list dai daj ] [dim $A] ::break ::set B [Mat $daj x $dai] ::set i 0 ::foreach a $A { ::set j 0 ::foreach aij $a { ::lset B $j $i $aij ::incr j } ::incr i } ::return $B } ## ::proc ktranspose { } { T $::mymatrixlist } ## ruchir ::proc ruchir { A } { ::set i 0 ::set nlist [::list ] ::foreach r $A { ::set j 0 ::foreach c $r { ::if {$i == 0 } { ::lappend nlist [::list $c] } else { ::set l [::lindex $nlist $j] ::lappend l $c ::lset nlist $j $l } ::incr j } ::incr i } ::return $nlist } ::proc rtranspose {} { ruchir $::mymatrixlist } ::if {[::lsearch $argv --time]>=0} { ## cache ::puts "prepare bytecode" rtranspose utranspose ktranspose ttranspose transpose ## time ::puts "timing results:" ::puts -nonewline "tomk " ::puts [::time { ttranspose } 1000] ::puts -nonewline "ruchir " ::puts [::time { rtranspose } 1000] ::puts -nonewline "uwe " ::puts [::time { utranspose } 1000] ::puts -nonewline "kob " ::puts [::time { ktranspose } 1000] ::puts -nonewline "::struct::matrix " ::puts [::time { transpose } 1000] } ::puts "correctness" ::puts -nonewline "solution: " ::puts [::list {0 0 0 1 1} {1 1 2 1 2} {2 3 1 2 3} ] ::puts -nonewline "tomk " ::puts [tomk $clist] ::puts -nonewline "ruchir " ::puts [ruchir $clist] ::puts -nonewline "uwe " ::puts [listrot $clist] ::puts -nonewline "kob " ::puts [T $clist] ::puts -nonewline "struct::matrix " mycmatrix transpose ::puts [::lindex [mycmatrix serialize ] 2]
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