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From: Yvonne on 10 May 2010 17:48 Hi, I am trying to rotate a quiver plot using the 'rotate' command but it does not seem to work. I have plotted my quiver plot on the figure as where I did a pcolor plot. I am able to rotate the pcolor plot to the direction that is needed but not the quiver plot: w2=0.4; h2=0.6;%0.5 A4 = axes('position',[0.1 0.35 w2 h2]); axes(A4) p= pcolor(y,x,B1);set(p,'linestyle','none');c4=colorbar('location','EastOutside');g=get(c4,'Ylabel');set(g,'String','Depth (m)'); rotate(p,[1 1 0],180) hold on q1=quiver(y(1:ns:end),x(1:ns:end),uvel(1:ns:end,1:ns:end),vvel(1:ns:end,1:ns:end)); % rotate(q1,[1 1 0],180) set(q1,'AutoScaleFactor',3,'Color','k','Linewidth',1); hold on p1=plot(yy*10,xx*10,'.w') rotate(p1,[1 1 0],180) set(gca,'Xticklabel',{'5','10','15','20','25','30','35'}); set(gca,'Yticklabel',{'8','10','12','14','16','18','20','22','24','26'}); ylabel('Distance (km)');xlabel('Distance (km)') axis image Is there a command that I can use in matlab to rotate a quiver plot? I have tried rotate, rotate3d and view and none seem to work. Thank you |