From: Kai Dölger on
Hey Guys,

I am new to Ruby and wanted to create a little project for learning
Ruby, but it turned out that it would be a lot more work, then I
My I idea was writing a Ruby Web Browser.

So now I search for programmers interested in this Idea.

Why should we do this: I think everyone uses webbrowsers so we can
achieve an increase of Ruby's popularity.

What is the Problem: We need a good HTML-Render-Engine => LOT of work to
Solution: Teamwork! If there is a big the team the single person has
less work to do then in a small development group.

What we need:
-People who help me with the Design of the Programm
-Programmers familiar with GUI-Programming
-Persons familiar with Webbrowsers an how they work

But I think If the first step is done there will be something like a
layout for the single Renderer Classes so everyone knowing ruby can
contribute somthing to the project!

Hope you will like the Idea. Greets from Germany, Kai
Posted via

From: andrew mcelroy on
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 8:13 AM, Kai Dölger <kgd92(a)> wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I am new to Ruby and wanted to create a little project for learning
> Ruby, but it turned out that it would be a lot more work, then I
> considered.
> My I idea was writing a Ruby Web Browser.

Please no. There are too many browsers to target already.
If you do, please use an existing engine. Please.

> So now I search for programmers interested in this Idea.
> Why should we do this: I think everyone uses webbrowsers so we can
> achieve an increase of Ruby's popularity.
> What is the Problem: We need a good HTML-Render-Engine => LOT of work to
> do!
> Solution: Teamwork! If there is a big the team the single person has
> less work to do then in a small development group.

The security issues you will open are astounding.
Try something less complex first like a small kernel.
If you want to write ruby bindings to webkit, then by all means, have fun.

> What we need:
> -People who help me with the Design of the Programm
> -Programmers familiar with GUI-Programming
> -Persons familiar with Webbrowsers an how they work
You'll need way more than this. lol.

have fun reading the several specs you'd need to implement.

You would be doing the world much more good if you were to focus your attention
towards improving the performance of nokogiri or writing a better GC for Ruby.

Andrew McElroy

> But I think If the first step is done there will be something like a
> layout for the single Renderer Classes so everyone knowing ruby can
> contribute somthing to the project!
> Hope you will like the Idea. Greets from Germany, Kai
> --
> Posted via

From: Kai Dölger on
Andrew Mcelroy wrote:
> writing a better GC for Ruby.

What do you mean with GC!?

Sorry I dont get the gist :D
Posted via

From: Dhruva Sagar on
I think he meant Garbage Collection when he mentioned GC

Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 20:38, Kai Dölger <kgd92(a)> wrote:

> Andrew Mcelroy wrote:
> > writing a better GC for Ruby.
> What do you mean with GC!?
> Sorry I dont get the gist :D
> --
> Posted via

From: Martin DeMello on
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 6:43 PM, Kai Dölger <kgd92(a)> wrote:
> What is the Problem: We need a good HTML-Render-Engine => LOT of work to
> do!

you don't want to write this yourself. take an existing renderer and
build a browser around it with the features you want. see kazehakase
for example:
