From: Gregory Brown on
On Aug 11, 4:41 pm, Luis Lavena <luislav...(a)> wrote:
> On Aug 11, 5:35 pm, Gregory Brown <> wrote:

> Where is the CVS repository so I can checkout a copy of the #COBOTS?

As far as I know, the #COBOTS have also eliminated all version control
systems. Yet another reason we must band together and fight.
From: andrew mcelroy on
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Gregory Brown
<gregory.t.brown(a)> wrote:
> On Aug 11, 4:42 pm, "Joseph E. Savard" <joseph.sav...(a)sabre-
>> wrote:
>> LOL...
>> Ruby Take back??  Its not old enough to take back..  Is taking all it can
>> get and jumping into embedded worlds not yet seen.
> Mind you, this message is from the FUTURE!   We are working hard to
> identify an exact date, more on that soon.
>> Expanding, growing and engulfing is what it's been under with the siege of
>> Rails forging a bright and positive future.
>> So, don't worry you message is from an imposter, most like Duke from the
>> future.  Now, his future is grim...:-)
> We have it on good authority that this message is legit.  I know it
> sounds crazy but I would not put my reputation on the line for such
> silly gags!
> -greg

And I suppose you are going to tell us that Jullian Assange from this
future you speak of?
All of a sudden insurance.aes256 makes a lot more sense. At 1.4 GB it
must be the smalltalk image.

Andrew McElroy


From: Gregory Brown on
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:57 PM, andrew mcelroy <sophrinix(a)> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Gregory Brown

> And I suppose you are going to tell us that Jullian Assange from this
> future you speak of?
> All of a sudden insurance.aes256 makes a lot more sense. At 1.4 GB it
> must be the smalltalk image.

I am unsure what, if any role Julian has in all of this. However, I
have heard rumors that discussions are happening using an old,
somewhat backwards live communication technology, hidden in plain
sight. I have not yet found it myself, but I imagine that if one
does, they will be able to gain a greater understanding of the
magnitude of this event.


From: Benoit Daloze on
On 11 August 2010 22:35, Gregory Brown <gregory.t.brown(a)> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I have received an ominous message from the future.  We should take
> this seriously, as it could determine the fate of our Ruby lives as we
> know them!  Decrypted future-message below:
> ---
> The evil #COBOTS have taken over the programming world and aim to rule
> it with an iron fist.
> The #COBOTS started by capturing all of the world's rubies, sucking
> the life force out of YARV, MRI, Rubinius, and even their former
> enterprise ally JRuby. Soon after this initial attack on pleasant
> coding, all dynamic languages fell to a similar fate.
> As their lust for CPU cycles deepened, the #COBOTS took away the
> parentheses from Lispers in their ivory towers, and even shattered the
> beloved curly braces of the mighty C hackers.  With all other
> languages crushed under their robotic corporate might, the #COBOTS
> seemingly had thrust the world into yet another dark age of COBOL
> programming.
> That was, until the Ruby Resistance began to form.  Hiding beneath a
> fallen code block, heroic and daring Matz was able to escape from the
> initial strike. Taking life one object at a time, he began to rebuild
> his community by teaching them the forgotten language of the elders.
> Soon after, brave men and women of all ages began to re-learn what it
> meant to be a Rubyist, and together, became the Ruby Resistance.
> The call to action is simple:  Commandeer as many evil #COBOTS as
> possible, re-program them, and take back the world's rubies.  It is
> the only way to ensure programmer happiness for ourselves and the
> generations of hackers to come. Will you rise to the challenge?

Sure !

Where can we find these #COBOTS ? :)

I am impatient to $COBOTS.inject(some_ideas) { |to, clear| their
:minds }.with the_awesome { |power| of Ruby }

* Currently working on implementing this code's details

From: Gregory Brown on
On Aug 11, 5:21 pm, Benoit Daloze <erego...(a)> wrote:
> On 11 August 2010 22:35, Gregory Brown <> wrote:

> Where can we find these #COBOTS ? :)

I searched on twitter to no avail. We should look elsewhere, I
suppose. Somewhere ancient.
