Where to host the Ruby Project Source Code Hi, I have created the Ruby Driver for CUBRID Database System. Currently working on ActiveRecord Adapter for CUBRID. The driver gem has already been pushed to RubyGems.org, so available through "gem install cubrid". At this moment the source code is hosted at sourceforge.net in CUBRID's SVN. Recently some use... 10 Aug 2010 01:32
[ANN] August Phoenix Ruby User Group Meeting August Phoenix Ruby User Group Meeting When: Monday, August 9, 2010 6:30pm door open. Laptop power and WiFi available. 7:00pm Show time 8:30pm Migrate to Four Peaks Brewery Topic: The R Programming Language Ray Niemeir will tell us about R, a free software environm... 5 Aug 2010 23:34
multicast and windows Some other test : Linux : ok with ruby 1.8 (ubuntu 9.10 and "route add" ) windows : ruby 1.9.1 : Nok (no receive) (TCP/IP on ruby 1.9/windows is realy broken !) jruby 1.4.0 : error on socket.bind works for me with all versions of ruby on windows... (windows 7). -- ... 6 Aug 2010 20:22
expecr error help! Hi Ruby folks! Any ideas? Output and error is below at __OUT__ Also I am fairly new to Ruby...coming from Perl, so what does the w_f.sync do? thank u! #!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require 'pty' require 'expect' DN = "/usr/local/bmc/controlm/ctmagt/ctm/scripts/shut-ag" UP = "/usr/local/bmc/controlm/ctmagt/c... 6 Aug 2010 18:11
Audio Files length I'm modifying a Radio Automation program that I built with tkSnack for Ruby (which does not work on my computer), to work with Rubygame... One main problem is that I can not find a method to determine how long an audio file is in Rubygame... a necessary component in my program. Is there a method in Rubygame, or... 6 Aug 2010 03:53
Luhn Hi Guys, Has anyone used the Luhn Algorithm before? I need to write some ruby code to generate random card details but as my ruby isnt to great im a bit stuck. i have the code written by a previous developer in Python BUT i need to convert it to ruby. does anyone know how to do this? kind regards, usman ... 5 Aug 2010 12:26
ruby gem update issue in macos 10.5.7 Confirmed, this happens on the version of gem installed with OS X 10.5 Upgrade it by following these intructions http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/3 ... 5 Aug 2010 11:19
Converting a website to ruby I'm pretty new to ruby, and I've been grasping everything that I've read pretty well. Now I want to convert my website to ruby (not rails yet) so I can use ruby to create forms with the cgi library. My web hosting doesn't allow ruby to run with any other markup or scripting, so when I turn ruby on I need to have my... 6 Aug 2010 08:15
String concatenation in ruby Hi, This seems to be a basic question but i would like to know why. String concatenation in rails can be done in the following three ways: 1. a+b+c 2. a<<b<<c 3. "#{a}#{b}#{c}" where a b c are three variables Which is the good way to go about concatenation and why? a+b+c is not good because it creat... 5 Aug 2010 11:19 |