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[ANN] McBean 0.3.0 released
[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.] mcbean version 0.3.0 has been released! * <> * < (rdocs)> * < (live demo)> == Description McBean can convert documents from one format to ... 18 Apr 2010 15:16
Running script on Windows XP
Hi I'm using Ruby 1.9.1p378 on Windows XP and I'm having a very bad time trying to run a script with no errors - I am opening a CMD windows and typing ruby test.rb Then I am opening several HTML page - I am NOT 'puts' -ing them, just parsing them with nokogiri. What I get is all the html I am parsing ... 18 Apr 2010 15:16
MD5 16 octet - how to compute?
Hi there I am trying to compute the 16 octet MD5 hash. I looked in the digest/md5 and i could not figure it out. i used Digest::MD5.hexdigest(value) but this computes 32 if I am not mistaken. Any idea please? -- Posted via ... 18 Apr 2010 18:37
Elegant Solution to a Seemingly Simple Problem?
Hello everyone. It's me: Derek, again! Sorry for writing a novel here, but I'd really appreciate some help. I'm still working on the same program -- a way to show valid course combinations for my school schedule, using an HTML file that contains all the courses for the semester. I have a rough draft copy of it... 20 Apr 2010 15:50
unsubscribe ... 17 Apr 2010 20:43
Pagi something :(
Errors, errors and more errors :( ######################## NameError in UserController#index uninitialized constant ApplicationController::Paginator ######################## RAILS_ROOT: C:/Users/[UsEr]/Documents/Downloads/InstantRails-2.0-win/rails_apps/jagmits_books C:/Users/[UsEr]/Documents/Downl... 17 Apr 2010 19:38
Undifined local variable or method error
Hi all, Below is my code h={} arr=[] def gethash h[1]=0 return h end arr[0]=gethash puts arr[0].each {|k,v| puts "key #{k} value #{v}"} For the above i get error saying "Undifined local variable or method 'h' for main:Object(NameError)" may i know reason for this error? -- Posted via http:... 18 Apr 2010 05:25
what is String#ord?
Ruby 1.9 docs for String#ord say: Return the <code>Integer</code> ordinal of a one-character string. What does that mean? Check for example "×".ord # => 215 "×".bytes.to_a # => [195, 151] -- fxn ... 17 Apr 2010 14:06
Trouble with Pushing Arrays to Arrays
Hello everyone! I'm having some trouble with pushing an array to another array. Maybe this is an easy fix that I'm just not seeing? Here's my code: require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' url = 'C:\\users\\derek\\desktop\\Schedule2.html' doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) raw_course_list = temp = Arr... 17 Apr 2010 11:52
Dont know where to look :(
I get this error ## SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: blogs.user_id: SELECT * FROM blogs WHERE (blogs.user_id = 1) LIMIT 1 ## well in my project, i will be creating railsspace Info: I realy need some information on where to look to even solve this problem. -- Posted via h... 17 Apr 2010 10:45
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