From: Tcs on
Thanks guys.

I thought that I had checked...sufficiently. Obviously, I was wrong.
Seems that the string contains two spaces on the end, following the

Script works properly now. I appreciate the help.


On Sun, 08 Feb 2009 20:23:05 +0100, "ekkehard.horner"
<ekkehard.horner(a)> wrote:

>Tcs schrieb:
>> I only want the setup.exe to run if the version of the LDISCN32.EXE
>> file <> "". On the machine on which I have been testing
>> this, I KNOW the version IS "". should NOT run. But
>> EVERY time I try to run executes the setup.exe.
>To merge urkec's and Al Dunbar's advice:
>> For Each objFile in colFiles
> WScript.Echo objFile.Name _
> , objFile.Version _
> , ">" & objFile.Version & "<" _
> , TypeName( objFile.Version )
>> If objFile.Version <> "" Then
>For me, TypeName( objFile.Version ) returns: "String"
From: Al Dunbar on

"Tcs" <someone(a)> wrote in message
> Thanks guys.

You're welcome,

> I thought that I had checked...sufficiently. Obviously, I was wrong.
> Seems that the string contains two spaces on the end, following the
> '22'.

Ah, the old "invisible" trailing whitespace - kills you every time. It is
always a problem that you will not see this when you display a string
variable - unless you bracket it somehow, as in "[" & variable & "]". The
"=" and "<>" comparison operators do not include an implicit "close enough
is close enough", and generally look for an exact match.

> Script works properly now. I appreciate the help.

Like most scripts, it always worked - it was just doing something you did
not intend! ;-)


> Tom
> On Sun, 08 Feb 2009 20:23:05 +0100, "ekkehard.horner"
> <ekkehard.horner(a)> wrote:
>>Tcs schrieb:
>>> I only want the setup.exe to run if the version of the LDISCN32.EXE
>>> file <> "". On the machine on which I have been testing
>>> this, I KNOW the version IS "". should NOT run. But
>>> EVERY time I try to run executes the setup.exe.
>>To merge urkec's and Al Dunbar's advice:
>>> For Each objFile in colFiles
>> WScript.Echo objFile.Name _
>> , objFile.Version _
>> , ">" & objFile.Version & "<" _
>> , TypeName( objFile.Version )
>>> If objFile.Version <> "" Then
>>For me, TypeName( objFile.Version ) returns: "String"