From: Klistvud on
To whom it may concern
Running a task when the computer is idle and stopping the task when
it's not idle

what I've considered so far and either doesn't work or is too much
*finger* - only yields tty usage (useless for tracking X usage)
*w* - ditto
*xscreensaver* w/ *xscreensaver-command* SEEMED to be promising but
turned out to be FAR too much hassle. Xscreensaver can't be set up
system-wide and in a simple manner. I would have to set up separate
xscreensaver instances for every single user on my system and track
every single user's idle time -- far too much hassle for my simple task.
*loadwatch* - can track idle time start, but can't track when idle
condition stops
*xautolock* - ditto
*idleize* - as its website is in reconstruction, I couldn't get hold of
it, so can't really say anything.

My temporary solution -- a cron script run every minute:



loadavg=$(cat /proc/loadavg | cut -c1-4)
if [ `expr $loadavg \< $maxloadavg` -eq 1 ]; then
cpufreq-set --governor ondemand
cpufreq-set --governor performance

Future plans: managing to make *xprintidle* work. By default, it will
only yield the idle time of the CURRENT display/user. Need urgent
advice on how to make it parse ALL X displays used on a system;
preferably an one-liner or a very simple script snippet. If this could
be done in a concise manner, it could potentially benefit many
GNU/Linux users who seem to be on the search after such a functionality.

Regards, and sorry for the verbosity again,

Certifiable Loonix User #481801

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