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From: Steve Alspach on 5 Mar 2010 15:13 Hello all, I have a SAS file that has about 25 PROC IMPORT commands. The syntax is: PROC IMPORT OUT= WORK.DoctorSurvey DATATABLE= "DoctorSurvey" DBMS=ACCESS REPLACE; DATABASE="W:\SASfiles\myfiles\Teleform.mdb"; SCANMEMO=YES; USEDATE=NO; SCANTIME=YES; RUN; The variable in this syntax is the file reference in the OUT= statement and the DATATABLE= statement - in this case, DoctorSurvey. Say, if I have another file called PatientSurvey and another called NurseSurvey (all from the same Access file, so the DATABASE= syntax remains constant), how would I generate a macro that can loop through and import the DoctorSurvey, PatientSurvey, and NurseSurvey files? Thank you for your time and effort on this. Sincerely, Steve Alspach Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital Hines IL 60141 |