From: Jan Burse on
Jan Burse wrote:
>> (p <-> q) <-> for all y (p(y) <-> q(y))
>> (Tangle prelude about bound and free variables referred to committee.)
> You can use <-> in the above, but I would rather
> prefer = in the above. Since p and q are predicates
> and thus they cannot be used in propositional positions.
> So we would have:
> p = q <-> for all y (p(y) <-> q(y))
> Does this give me comprehension? Do you claim that?
> I guess no and I think it is independent of
> comprehension, its just some extensionality.

Actually the above would give extensionality
and congruence. Extensionality is the following:

for all y (p(y) <-> q(y)) -> p = q

Congruence is the following:

p = q, p(y) -> q(y).

But we can ask for predicate comprehension even
in a logic that does not have equality "=" at
all. Comprehension is just question of existence
of certain predicates:

exists p forall y (p(y) <-> A)

From: William Elliot on
On Fri, 25 Dec 2009, Jan Burse wrote:

> William Elliot wrote:
>>> G, C[p/D] |- E
>>> ------------------- (Left forall)
>>> G, forall p C |- E

Ok, I get it.

>> Any prelude about free and bound variables?
> Well yes and no. We have a (Left forall) and
> a (Left exists) rule in minimal QSAT. Here I
> repeat the minimal QSAT quantifier rules (already
> posted in the joke thread):
> G, A[p/B] |- C G |- A, p not in G
> ------------------ (Left forall) --------------- (Right forall)
> G, forall p A ]- C G |- forall p A
> G |- A[p/B] G, A |- C p not in G, C
> ---------------- (Right exists) ------------------ (Left exists)
> G |- exists p A G, exists p A |- C
> So the (Left exists) does not involve a substitution
> of a propositional variable for a propositional formula.
> Only the (Left forall) and the (Right exists) does.
> The (Left forall) comes up when I proof |- M(A) -> A.
> -------- (Id)
> A |- A
> --------- (Right ->) -------- (Id)
> |- A -> A A |- A
> ----------------------------------- (Left ->)
> (A -> A) -> A |- A
> ----------------------------- (Left forall)
> forall p((A -> p) -> p) |- A
> -------------------------------- (Right ->)
> |- forall p((A -> p) -> p) -> A

> The side condition is needed in moving from (A -> p) -> p
> to (A -> A) -> A. Its not part of the inference rule
> (Left forall) itself. It is part of what we expect the
> propositional variable for propositional formula substitution
> to yield.
>>>>> exists p(p <-> A) <-> (M(A) <-> A)
>> The equivalence is trivial as both sides are theorems.
> Yes, thanks. That is what makes it a joke for me.
It's not needed, useless and since M(A) <-> A, M(A) is superfluous.

>>>>> But are we on the right track?
>> To what town are you going?
> LoL.
>>>>> What if we want to have an alternative formulation for comprehension
>>>>> with parameter, will something as follows work:
>>>>> exists p forall y(p(y) <-> A) <-> (?? A <-> A)
>>>>> I have doubts. Guess why?

I know nothing about QSAT and SAT.

>>> When using predicates some 2nd order logic we can formulate:
>>> exists p forall y (p(y) <-> A)
>> exists p for all y (p(y) <-> A(y))
> Yes, of course you can also write it like this.
A(y) and especially A need some explaination about bound and free.

>>> The second order logic would be general in the sense that
>>> predicates can be arguments to other predicates. Thus together
>>> with the comprehension axiom, we would have for comprehension
>>> from A=-y(y):
>>> exists p forall y(p(y) <-> -y(y)).
>> Russel's paradox.
> Yes, that is what one can create.
>>> It then leads to the insight that this general 2nd order logic
B>>> is inconsistent. Because we can easily derive, even in
>>> minimal logic:
>>> ...
>>> ---------------------
>>> x(x) <-> -x(x) |- f
>>> ------------------------- (Left forall)
>>> Ay (x(y) <-> -y(y)) |- f
>>> --------------------------- (Left exists)
>> No. As x() is higher type than (x),
>> y can't be substituted for both x() and (x)
> Yes, that would be one of the restrictions that would
> exclude russel's paradox and the like. See below:
>>> One remedy would be to disallow the formation of expressions
>>> such as -y(y). So proper 2nd order logic would be two sorted,
>>> and a formation of -y(y) would not be possible. Another remedy
>>> would be to change comprehension itself, i.e. side condition
>>> on y and/or p.
y(y) it's self would be not allowed.
However there's the problem with replacing x with y in y(x)

> Reveiw the various solutions to Russel's paradox.
> Yes, if Russel's paradox were at stake. But it is not
> here. See below:
>>> exists p(p <-> A) <-> (M(A) <-> A)
>>> But it is only an equality for propostional comprehension. Can
>>> we do something similar also for predicate comprehension? Can
>>> it be expressed somehow with a modal operator?
>> (p <-> q) <-> for all y (p(y) <-> q(y))
>> (Tangle prelude about bound and free variables referred to committee.)
> You can use <-> in the above, but I would rather
> prefer = in the above. Since p and q are predicates
> and thus they cannot be used in propositional positions.
> So we would have:
> p = q <-> for all y (p(y) <-> q(y))
> Does this give me comprehension? Do you claim that?
> I guess no and I think it is independent of
> comprehension, its just some extensionality.

ZF comprehension in 2nd order logic.

forall u some s forall x (s(x) <-> A(x) & u(x))

>>> I would say no, wrong track. Guess why?
>> You're forcing unlimited self reference in the same way that
>> Russel and other early set theorist were forcing unlimited
>> self reference.
> No, No, Russel's paradox is not really at stake here. Only
> question whether we can characterize predicate comprehension
> with some russel prawitz operator or not.
> Note the difference between having a comprehension axiom,
> which we have seen rendering the calculus inconsistent,
> if we are not careful, and a characterization theorem,
> which would not do any harm at all. If we have a characterization
> theorem:
> predicate comprehension <-> russel prawitz operator formulation
> We do not postulate predicate comprehension. And we might
> even have such a theorem as a bove in the precence of
> Russel's paradox.
> Bye
From: William Elliot on

On Fri, 25 Dec 2009, Jan Burse wrote:

> Jan Burse wrote:
>>> (p <-> q) <-> for all y (p(y) <-> q(y))
>>> (Tangle prelude about bound and free variables referred to committee.)
>> You can use <-> in the above, but I would rather
>> prefer = in the above. Since p and q are predicates
>> and thus they cannot be used in propositional positions.
>> So we would have:
>> p = q <-> for all y (p(y) <-> q(y))
>> Does this give me comprehension? Do you claim that?
>> I guess no and I think it is independent of
>> comprehension, its just some extensionality.
> Actually the above would give extensionality
> and congruence. Extensionality is the following:
> for all y (p(y) <-> q(y)) -> p = q
for all y (p(x,y) <-> q(y)) -> (p(x) = q)?

> Congruence is the following:
> p = q, p(y) -> q(y).
> But we can ask for predicate comprehension even
> in a logic that does not have equality "=" at
> all. Comprehension is just question of existence
> of certain predicates:
> exists p forall y (p(y) <-> A)

forall u exists p forall y (p(y) <-> A(y) & u(y))
forall u exists p forall y (p(y) <-> (A & u)(y))

Either that or use stratisfication or

exists p forall y (p(y) <-> A(y) & set(y))
exists p forall y (p(y) <-> (A & set)(y))

set(x) = exists a a(x).
From: Jan Burse on
William Elliot schrieb:

> ZF comprehension in 2nd order logic.
> forall u some s forall x (s(x) <-> A(x) & u(x))

Ok, I didn't know this formulation, with the
conjoined u(x).

But I think comprehension is ok in minimal 2nd order.
We do not need to do anything about it, since the
following axiom would also work in typed minimal
second order logic:

exists p forall y (p(y) <-> A),

with the following provisio:

p : i -> o (p is a variable ranging over predicates)

y : i (y is a variable ranging over individuals)

p does not occur in A.

You cannot do Russels's paradox in the above. Its
not the general 2nd order logic where it was allowed
to form -y(y). Since it is 2nd order logic with two
sorts, than the above seems not to be problematic.
Prawitz even mentions cut-elimination for it.

But again question is not about tweeking the a
comprehension axiom, but about obtaining a theorem that
relates predicate comprehension to some Russel Prawitz
like modal operator, like it was done for propositional

exists (p <-> A) <-> (M(A) <-> A)

Can we do (currently ignoring the joke) something similar
for predicate comprehension, thus can we fill in the
blank ?? in the following:

exists p forall y (p(y) <-> A) <-> (?? A <-> A)

The blank ?? is here: (>>>??<<<< A <-> A). This I consider
the interesting case of Russel Prawitz Operator.

And my claim is, that although the question for a Russel
Prawitz Operator is a legitimate interesting one, I think
we will not be able to obtain such an operator for some grounds.
Guess what grounds? (Its not the Russel's Paradox)

From: Jan Burse on
Jan Burse schrieb:
> William Elliot schrieb:
>> ZF comprehension in 2nd order logic.
>> forall u some s forall x (s(x) <-> A(x) & u(x))

Ok, I see what you want to do. ZF,

forall u exists s forall x(x in s <-> A(x) & x in u)

> But I think comprehension is ok in minimal 2nd order.
> We do not need to do anything about it, since the
> following axiom would also work in typed minimal
> second order logic:
> exists p forall y (p(y) <-> A),
> with the following provisio:
> p : i -> o (p is a variable ranging over predicates)
> y : i (y is a variable ranging over individuals)
> p does not occur in A.

Look, since the stuff is typed, we have implictly an u in
second order logic. Its the u representing the i. So
although we write in typed 2nd order logic:

exists p forall y (p(y) <-> A(y))

This would be:

exists p forall y (y in p <-> A(y) & y in i)

Which is an instance of the ZF comprehension schema
(forall u instantiated by i). So in effect p will
be subset of i, where i is the sort of the individuals.
