From: Ha Nguyen on
Dear SAS users,

I am carrying out a multilevel analysis using proc mixed, SAS 9.2 on
window XP pro 64 bit, 4G ram. It's a 4 level model of 4 testing times
(level 1) of 3000 students (level 2) living in 1500 neighborhoods
(level 3) and studying in 300 school (level 4).
My sas code is:
Proc mixed data=school method=ml noclprint;
class studentid neighbourhood schoolid;
model math=time time*time/solution ddfm=bw;
random int time/ sub= schoolid type=un;
random int time/ sub= neighbourhood (schoolid) type=un;
random int time/ sub= studentid (neighbourhood) type=un;

I use -memsize 0 option. Before running the analysis, I checked the
proc option group= memory and got the infor that memsize=3947950080.

However, when I ran the model, I still got the error message: "Unable
to allocate sufficient memory: a request for 1139885k bytes exceeded
the 786430k available......."

Could you please advise me any solution to this?

With thanks and best regards,
Nguyen Thu Ha
KU Leuven

From: Miel Hostens on

Did you find a solution for this problem?

Friendly greetings,

Miel Hostens
University of Ghent