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From: Inverse 19 mathematics on 6 Aug 2010 18:18 Dear Dr Escultura PHD, You had asked me several times to keep my contacts with mathematicians on Sci math, it gets difficult. Here is simple mathematical application of clone numbers , whereever you need precision and very concordant serial measurements within predicted parameters , measurements that are predictable and specific gaps. Here of the very very basic cloned numbers use , is a demonstration. Such a principle can be used to study a lot of things including black holes, but your people seem to understand only Fermat here and too constrained , never understanding the value of chaos,. There a a lot of combinations. All very predictable, "billions of precise using 0.999 combination fractions between the readings, all concordant predictable-- lot of your readings are non concordant and not in line with the natural code of math. 0.999-.999-0.999 --1 code is a billion times more concordant than your binary codes in computer , because the code is precisely mathematical-- a computer would have calculate much less and the precision would be proportionately much more precise Are these your People? Professor, although I doubt it, You are a decent fellow 6798532685 -32301467315 9999999999 999999999 99999999 70928679416 9999999999 7092867941 999999999 709286793 99999999 70928678 9999999 7092867 999999 709286 99999 70298 9999 7092 999 708 679 99 70 9 6 0 COLLATERA SERIES IN TANDEM(notice slopes vary) 70298679416 68021541358 67730834152 67701772831 67698855699 69698564986 67698535915 this is a long series but gaps are very concordant and predictable There are many many combinations for coded cloned number combination. " the time between numbers is also very precise. Professor it is dissapointing to see the level of mathematical creativity and imagination, you say that your mathematic works , but so does a" bullock cart wheel work" Hope research QUESTION How many precise computations are possible between 1 and 2 with present computation, are they predictable, uniform and precisely mathematical ?? are they concordant to time and space??.I doubt it, ther have not been able to predict the speeds of energy charges at the Calhedron Hey!! we are not into this , this was a crum that fell off the table, and your little chickens were snickering! |