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From: Kellie Fitton on 7 Aug 2005 14:54 Hi, Yes, after you have accepted the screen from the endUser, then you can validate all of his/her data entry in the working-storage section (which is the variables you have used in the screen to receive the data input). Additionally, some screen-section syntax can further help you with the validation task automatically, for example, the syntax FULL will force the endUser to enter data and fill the entire receiving field to match its length. Case in point: WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 300-ACTIVE-NUMERIC. 05 300-ZIPCODE PIC 9(5) VALUE 0. SCREEN SECTION. 01 INPUT-SCREEN AUTO. 05 LINE 12 COLUMN 21 HIGHLIGHT 'ZIP CODE: '. 05 ZIPCODE REVERSE-VIDEO PIC Z(5) USING 300-ZIPCODE FULL. The endUser must enter five digits in the zipCode field in order for him/her to proceed to the next entry field, otherWise the system will sound a beep and will NOT continue. Kellie.
From: Richard on 7 Aug 2005 18:24
I do not use SCREEN SECTION at all but have the screen areas in W-S. The 'background' is defined as an 01 with a series of 03 with the VALUE clauses, so it may be 2000 characters long - 25 x 80. This is redefined as PIC X(2000) for the DISPLAY AT 0101. The screen is then redefined again with FILLERs for everything except the input fields. This is DISPLAYed to show the input fields - on a group DISPLAY AT 0101 only the non-FILLER are displayed. I then accept each field in turn in a perform loop that uses field-number to indicate which field I am on: MOVE 1 TO field-number PERFORM UNTIL field-number > 7 IF field-number = 1 ACCEPT first-field AT position PERFORM Check-keys (check-keys will test function-keys and may set field-number to 99 (exit) or subtract 1 (previous) or ...) IF field-number = 1 validate field if ok add 1 to field-number end-if end-if end-if if field-number = 2 ..... This is rather tedious and it also sets the colours using PERFORM Screen-xx where xx may be BG (background) FG (foreground, IN (input field), err (error) etc. For this I developed some simple code generating programs that take a text file that has the layout and a list of field definitions and creates a W-S screen area, code blocks for accepting the fields and so on. eg (though it will probably wrap horribly): *PREFIX PM- *FIELDS - screenfield,order,movefield,type,paragraph,text IKEY,0,P1-Key IGroup,1,P1-Group,,PROC-GROUP,Product Group code - Scan for help, F6 to delete product DGROUP,0 IDim,30,P1-Dim,,,Use 'Y' to indicate non stock IDesc,2,P1-Descr,PROC-DESC,,Description for Invoices IClass,31,P1-Class,,,Product Classification IBarCode,3,P1-BarCode,,PROC-BarCode,Barcode of product IUNIT,32,P1-Unit,,,Unit IBulk,4,P1-BulkRef,,,Product code of Bulk stock ILabel,5,P1-Label-Ref,,,Product code of Label stock ICarton,5,P1-Carton-Ref,,,Product code of Carton stock IStdCost,6,P1-Cost1,4,,Standard cost ITaxCode,33,P1-TaxCode,,Proc-Tax,Tax Code DTaxRATE,0 IAveCost,6,P1-Cost2,4,,Average Cost IDisc,34,P1-Disc,,PROC-DISC,Discountable Y/N ILastCost,6,P1-Cost3,4,,Last cost IPrice1,7,P1-Price(1),2,,Price 1 IPrice2,7,P1-Price(2),2,,Price 2 IPrice3,7,P1-Price(3),2,,Price 3 IRetail,8,P1-RetPrice,2,,Suggested Retail price Isup,9,P1-Supplier,,Proc-Supplier,Supplier code - scan for next DSup,0 IMinimum,35,P1-MinStock,0,,Minimum stock level required ISCode,10,P1-Sup-Code,,,Supplier's code ISDesc,11,P1-Sup-Desc,,,Supplier's description ISPrice,12,P1-Sup-Price,2,,Supplier's price FOB or CIF ISPer,13,P1-Sup-Per,0,,Price per quantity ISCurr,14,P1-Sup-Curr,,PROC-CURR,Supplier's price currency DSCurr,0 IOrigin,15,P1-Origin,,PROC-ORIGIN,Country of Origin DOrigin,0 IDutyRate,16,P1-Duty-Rate,2,,Duty Rate *SCREEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Code [%%%%%] PRODUCT MAINTENANCE Group [%%] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Non-Dimishing [%] Description [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Class [%] Barcode [%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Unit [%%%] Bulk Stock [%%%%%] Label Stock [%%%%%] Carton Stock [%%%%%] Standard Cost [%%%%%%%%] Tax Code [%] %%%%% Average Cost [%%%%%%%%] Discountable [%] Last Cost [%%%%%%%%] Prices [%%%%%%%%] [%%%%%%%%] [%%%%%%%%] Retail Price [%%%%%%%%] Supplier .. [%%%] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Minimum [%%%%%%] Vendor Part [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] Description [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] FOB Price [%%%%%%%%] Price per [%%%%%%] Currency code [%%] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Origin [%%%%] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Duty Rate [%%%%%] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *END |