From: Gisouk Yoon on 29 Nov 2009 21:26 Dear all. I'm Gisouk Yoon who started developing SDIO wifi device driver in XP. I need some help. Following is what I have done and seen. 1. At first, I installed a SD host controller, and which loads "SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller" of MS windows. 2. To test MS's SD API, I selected sdiomars sample code from WDK 7600 (current WDK version) and made small changes including matching vendor id same as my SDIO device and additional test IOCTL handler code, which reads a byte using SdBusSubmitRequest function. My system is MS windows SP3. 3. The test driver worked well except one, which hanged after IOCTL request and released when I pulled out the SDIO card. And SdBusSubmitRequest returned status code "0xc0000001". Initializing including SdBusOpenInterface and reading SDbus' property (such as SDP_BUS_DRIVER_VERSION and SDP_FUNCTION_NUMBER and etc) are successful. In my view, the symptom is similar to following URLs. Following is what want to know. 1. Does anybody know what is problem? Do I miss something? 2. If some one provide a sample SDIO device driver source code working in XP, it may be great helpful to me. Best Regards Gisouk Yoon.
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