From: Steve Pope on
Various news stories report the following:

"In early 2010, Austin Sendek of UC Davis created a petition
encouraging the SI system to designate "hella-" as the prefix for
10^27, following "yotta-" for 10^24."

(Some sources mistakenly state that Sendek would like the
nubmer 10^27 to be referred to as "a hella"; but this is not
the case, and is obviously not even remotely grammatical.)

From: glen herrmannsfeldt on
Steve Pope <spope33(a)> wrote:
> Various news stories report the following:

> "In early 2010, Austin Sendek of UC Davis created a petition
> encouraging the SI system to designate "hella-" as the prefix for
> 10^27, following "yotta-" for 10^24."

I was expecting the first letter to be x, with the rest following
the alphabet backwards. Though which alphabet, I suppose, is
still an open question.

-- glen
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