From: Mark on 25 Feb 2010 08:31 I have no idea how to do this, but hopefully someone out there can help. Running SMS 2003 and I have the two reports below that I would like to combine with a change. I would like to be able to see the username and time of day usage for each user hit, not just the last usage along with everything in that first report. I would also like to just pull all the data for all games and all dates instead of having to specify. We aren't that big that I need to cut this list down. Any ideas? Thanks a bunch for any help! Mark "Users that have run a specific metered software program" declare @TimeKey int declare @days float set @TimeKey=100*@Year+(a)Month select @days=DATEDIFF(day,IntervalStart,DATEADD(month,1,IntervalStart)) from v_SummarizationInterval where TimeKey=(a)TimeKey if IsNull(@days,0) > 0 select mu.FullName, DATEADD(ss,@__timezoneoffset,MAX(mus.LastUsage)) as LastUsage, SUM(UsageCount) + SUM(TSUsageCount) as C021, ROUND((SUM(UsageCount) + SUM(TSUsageCount))/@days,2) as C022, ROUND(SUM(UsageTime)/60.0,2) as C023, ROUND(SUM(UsageTime)/60.0/(SUM(UsageCount) + SUM(TSUsageCount)),2) as C024, ROUND(SUM(UsageTime)/60.0/@days,2) as C025 from v_MeteredUser mu join v_MonthlyUsageSummary mus on mu.MeteredUserID=mus.MeteredUserID join v_MeteredFiles mf on mus.FileID=mf.MeteredFileID where mf.ProductName = @RuleName and mus.TimeKey = @TimeKey group by mu.FullName having SUM(UsageCount) + SUM(TSUsageCount) > 0 order by mu.FullName ************* "Time of day usage summary for a specific metered software program" set nocount on declare @hour int create table #hours (Hour int) set @hour=0 while @hour < 24 begin insert into #hours(Hour) values(@hour) set @hour = @hour + 1 end create table #avgusage ( hour int, dow int, ucount int ) insert into #avgusage(hour,dow,ucount) select DATEPART(hour,DATEADD(ss,@__timezoneoffset,fusi.IntervalStart)), DATEPART(dw,DATEADD(ss,@__timezoneoffset,fusi.IntervalStart)), AVG(IsNULL(UCount,0)) from v_FileUsageSummaryIntervals fusi left join ( select fus.IntervalStart, SUM(fus.DistinctUserCount) as UCount from v_FileUsageSummary fus join v_MeteredFiles mf on fus.FileID=mf.MeteredFileID where fus.IntervalStart >= DATEADD(day,-90,GetDate()) and mf.SecurityKey = LEFT(@RuleName,8) and fus.IntervalWidth=60 group by fus.IntervalStart ) as USums on fusi.IntervalStart=USums.IntervalStart where fusi.IntervalWidth=60 and fusi.IntervalStart >= DATEADD(day,-90,GetDate()) group by DATEPART(hour,DATEADD(ss,@__timezoneoffset,fusi.IntervalStart)), DATEPART(dw,DATEADD(ss,@__timezoneoffset,fusi.IntervalStart)) select hrs.Hour, IsNULL((select ucount from #avgusage where dow=1 and hour=hrs.Hour),0) as C042, IsNULL((select ucount from #avgusage where dow=2 and hour=hrs.Hour),0) as C043, IsNULL((select ucount from #avgusage where dow=3 and hour=hrs.Hour),0) as C044, IsNULL((select ucount from #avgusage where dow=4 and hour=hrs.Hour),0) as C045, IsNULL((select ucount from #avgusage where dow=5 and hour=hrs.Hour),0) as C046, IsNULL((select ucount from #avgusage where dow=6 and hour=hrs.Hour),0) as C047, IsNULL((select ucount from #avgusage where dow=7 and hour=hrs.Hour),0) as C048 from #hours hrs order by hrs.Hour drop table #avgusage drop table #hours
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