From: klee12 on
I've decided not to be so lazy, so I looked at the build for sox. In
the file mp3.c there are the lines

* Uses libmad for MP3 decoding
* and libmp3lame for MP3 encoding

#if defined(HAVE_LAME)
#include <lame/lame.h>

and there is no lame/lame.h. So it looks like sox was built without
lame support.

I've also emailed support(a) about this.

I'm still interested in converting .wav to .mp3 files


From: Loki Harfagr on
Le Mon, 25 Apr 2005 09:52:18 -0700, klee12 a ýcritý:

> I've decided not to be so lazy, so I looked at the build for sox. In
> the file mp3.c there are the lines
> * Uses libmad for MP3 decoding
> * and libmp3lame for MP3 encoding
> ...
> #if defined(HAVE_LAME)
> #include <lame/lame.h>
> #endif
> and there is no lame/lame.h. So it looks like sox was built without
> lame support.

Did you try this ?
# sox -h 2>&1 |grep -c mp3

Then you'd be sure :D)

Anyway :
> I'm still interested in converting .wav to .mp3 files

Why specially stuck on sox for this ?
Just install lame and use it, like this :

lame --preset hifi 07Cheepnis.wav 07Cheepnis.mp3

or for monkey files for instance :
mac 07Cheepnis.ape - -d | lame --preset hifi - 07Cheepnis.mp3

You know, `sox' just would use the same libs, so ...

There's a package here
From: Thomas Overgaard on

klee wrote :

> I'm still interested in converting .wav to .mp3 files

You can find both lame and sox(build with lame support) at:
Thomas O.

This area is designed to become quite warm during normal operation.
From: klee12 on
Thanks all ... got what I wanted, an WAV to MP3 converted. I didn't
know about the site.

Thanks again

From: BenneJezzerette on

"klee12" <klee12(a)> wrote in message

> This seems reasonable; I done a locate on lame, and can't come up with
> anything. I've gone to PACKAGES.TXT
> searched for lame, and couldn't find anything. Did PV omit that
> library? If so maybe someone should contact him
> (I'm a newbie to Slackware so I hesitate).

Lame isn't included, as the MP3 encoder is subject to various intellectual
property restrictions, (just as various encryption algorithms aren't
compiled into openssl... for the same reason) and to include it could mean
PV, Slackware and perhaps Slackware users could be subject to royalties
claims. I'm not sure on the exact status of LAME (an alternative mp3
encoder), but I'd suspect it's still not 100% free of restrictions. Thus it
is unlikely to be included in Slackware.

You can however download, compile and install it yourself rather easily, and
I'm sure you can find an unofficial slackware package lying about somewhere
( perhaps)

You might want to try ogg or flac instead, both are largely superior to mp3


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