From: Yannick Duchêne (Hibou57) on
> It was not able to prove it. Do I miss something or does it simply means
> the simplifier does not know about a rule which seems basic to me, that
> is (A <= B) -> ((A / C) <= (B / C)) ? ... which is still valid for
> integer arithmetic.
Sorry for a mistake, it should have been ((A <= B) and (A >= 0) and (C >
0)) -> ((A / C) <= (B / C)), to keep it simple and just to talk about
what's relevant here.

There is even better than a pragma Assert: an --# assert
From: Yannick Duchêne (Hibou57) on
Another example, as much strange to me.

procedure Limit
(X : in out Integer;
Lower : in Integer;
Upper : in Integer)
--# pre Lower < Upper;
--# post ((X~ < Lower) -> (X = Lower)) and
--# ((X~ > Upper) -> (X = Upper)) and
--# (X in Lower .. Upper);

-- ....

Limit (Local_Data, Lowest, Highest);
Part := Local_Data - Lowest;
Whole := Highest - Lowest;
--# assert Part >= 0;
--# assert Local_Data <= Highest;

-- ....

The simplifier cannot prove “Local_Data <= Highest”, although the post
condition of Limit states “X in Lower .. Upper” so that it should know
“Local_Data in Lowest .. Highest” and then “Local_Data <= Highest”.

While perhaps I'm not using it the good way (as a beginner, this may be a
possible case).

There is even better than a pragma Assert: an --# assert
From: Phil Clayton on
On May 15, 5:41 pm, Yannick Duchêne (Hibou57)
<yannick_duch...(a)> wrote:
>        --# assert ((Part * 100) <= (Whole * 100)) ->
>        --#        (((Part * 100) / Whole) <= ((Whole * 100) / Whole));
> It was not able to prove it. Do I miss something or does it simply means  
> the simplifier does not know about a rule which seems basic to me, that is  
> (A <= B) -> ((A / C) <= (B / C)) ? ... which is still valid for integer  
> arithmetic.

This isn't valid for all values of A, B and C: consider C = -1. It
would be sufficient to know 0 < C, so perhaps sufficient information
needs to be propagated to show 0 < Whole ?

Phil C.
From: Yannick Duchêne (Hibou57) on
Oh, something interesting:

procedure Limit
(X : in out Integer;
Lower : in Integer;
Upper : in Integer)
--# pre Lower < Upper;
--# post ((X~ < Lower) -> (X = Lower)) and
--# ((X~ > Upper) -> (X = Upper)) and
--# (X in Lower .. Upper);

-- .....

Limit (Local_Data, Lowest, Highest);
--# assert Local_Data <= Highest; -- (1)
Part := Local_Data - Lowest;
Whole := Highest - Lowest;
--# assert Part >= 0; -- (2)
--# assert Local_Data <= Highest; -- (3)

-- .....

If (2) is removed, it can prove (1) and (3). If (2) is there, it fails to
prove (3), while nothing changes Local_Data in the path from (1) to (3),
and so (3) should be as much provable as (1).

When (2) is there, it seems to forget about the previously proved
hypothesis (1) or about hypotheses which make (1) provable.

Will have to better understand how this “thing” thinks.

There is even better than a pragma Assert: an --# assert
From: Yannick Duchêne (Hibou57) on
> This isn't valid for all values of A, B and C: consider C = -1. It
> would be sufficient to know 0 < C, so perhaps sufficient information
> needs to be propagated to show 0 < Whole ?
> Phil C.
Yes, you are right, that's why I had previously apologized for this error
and corrected it in a reply to the erroneous message.

Your exercises are interesting BTW.

There is even better than a pragma Assert: an --# assert