From: mir on 15 Oct 2009 06:41 Hi, We have two AD (windows 2003) domains: CORPAD and UKCORP In the SQL server, we have these logins: CORPAD/user1 CORPAD/user2 CORPAD/user3 We would like to change these to UKCORP/user1 UKCORP/user2 UKCORP/user3 I would be really grateful if you could assist me to solve this. Regards Mir David Hay wrote: Re: how to change users login name in sql 2000 SP4 after domain change... 23-Nov-08 Make sure you run this in a test environment FIRST before running against a production server! I cannot emphasize this enough. test, test, test and more testing. I used this and it worked pretty well. It will generate a script that clones the old AD accounts, with all permissions intact. you can then run the generated script in QA. It has been slightly modified. You can search for the original author to see the original. Replace the Old domain and New Domain values as appropriate. Remeber to set QA to output text, and to turn column headings off. You will need to check Job ownerships, search for Orphans, etc prior to dropping the old AD accounts. When I did it, I also changed DTS ownership, JobOwnership, I had many procedures that had embedded code pointing to the old domain. You will also probably have to examine any/all DTS connections for any references to the old domain. There is a tool called DTSDOC that will generate a very nice HTML document for you. That can then be searched so the packages can be updated. good luck and GO SLOW! David Hay /* * * Quickly generate a script to add active directory users * that match from an nt-4.0 domain controled setting * * by Jon Coulter * 11/09/2004 * * -- updated 3/10/2004 to allow for MSSQL 7 (changed 'name' to 'loginname' from syslogins tabe) */ /* select o.loginname, o.sid from master.dbo.syslogins o, master.dbo.syslanguages l where (o.language like l.alias or o.language like */ -- select o.loginname, o.language, o.dbname, N'sa' = convert(int, suser_sid(, o.sid, o.denylogin, o.isntname, o.isntgroup, o.password, l.alias, o.hasaccess, o.sysadmin from master.dbo.syslogins o, master.dbo.syslanguages l where (o.language like l.alias or o.language like union select o.loginname,, o.dbname, N'sa' = convert(int, suser_sid(, o.sid, o.denylogin, o.isntname, o.isntgroup, o.password, l.alias, o.hasaccess, o.sysadmin from master.dbo.syslogins o, master.dbo.syslanguages l where o.language is NULL and l.langid = @@default_langid order by o.isntgroup, o.loginname -- select loginname, sid from master.dbo.syslogins where sid is not null -- select * from master..syslogins -- select cast (0x01050000000000051500000079415968DF509D2D454AEF1401020000 as varbinary) -- note, remove column headers (Tools -> Options -> Results -> uncheck column headers) -- to get nice output use master go IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_hexadecimal') IS NULL exec(' CREATE PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal @binvalue varbinary(256), @hexvalue varchar(256) OUTPUT AS DECLARE @charvalue varchar(256) DECLARE @i int DECLARE @length int DECLARE @hexstring char(16) SELECT @charvalue = ''0x'' SELECT @i = 1 SELECT @length = DATALENGTH (@binvalue) SELECT @hexstring = ''0123456789ABCDEF'' WHILE (@i <= @length) BEGIN DECLARE @tempint int DECLARE @firstint int DECLARE @secondint int SELECT @tempint = CONVERT(int, SUBSTRING(@binvalue,@i,1)) SELECT @firstint = FLOOR(@tempint/16) SELECT @secondint = @tempint - (@firstint*16) SELECT @charvalue = @charvalue + SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @firstint+1, 1) + SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @secondint+1, 1) SELECT @i = @i + 1 END SELECT @hexvalue = @charvalue' ) GO begin set nocount on declare @nt_domain varchar(100), @ad_domain varchar(100) set @nt_domain = 'Old Domain' set @ad_domain = 'New Domain' -- no need to edit below this line IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_hexadecimal') IS NULL raiserror('You must first load the stored procedure sp_hexadecimal (from the sp_help_revlogin.sql script)', 15, 1) else begin print '-- Converting from [' + @nt_domain + '] to [' + @ad_domain + ']' print '-- Ouput Generated: ' + cast(getdate() as varchar) print '' print '-- Allow updates to system tables:' print 'exec sp_configure updates, 1' print 'reconfigure with override' print 'go' print '' declare @like_clause varchar(102) set @like_clause = isnull(@nt_domain, '') + '\%'; -- temporary srvrole access table create table #srvrole ( rolename varchar(150), member varchar(150), sid varbinary(100) ); -- insert data insert into #srvrole exec sp_helpsrvrolemember -- delete invalid users delete from #srvrole where member not like @like_clause -- change their name to the new one update #srvrole set member = substring(member, charindex('\', member) + 1, len (member)); declare @name varchar(100), @sid varbinary(100), @shortname varchar(100), @dbname varchar(100) declare c_users cursor for select loginname, sid, substring(loginname, charindex('\', loginname) + 1, len (loginname)), dbname from master..syslogins where UPPER(loginname) like @like_clause open c_users fetch from c_users into @name, @sid, @shortname, @dbname while(@@fetch_status = 0) begin declare @ad_name varchar(150) declare @hexsid as varchar(256) set @ad_name = @ad_domain + '\' + @shortname set @hexsid = ''; exec sp_hexadecimal @sid, @hexsid OUTPUT -- get the hex value of this print '--' print '-- Create user [' + @ad_name + '] based on [' + @name + ']' print '--' print '-- Grant login:' print 'exec sp_grantlogin ''' + @ad_name + '''' if(@dbname is not null) begin print '-- Set Default Database:' print 'exec sp_defaultdb ''' + @ad_name + ''', ''' + @dbname + '''' end -- server-level grants for that user print '' print '-- Grant any server-roles:' select 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' + @ad_name + ''', ''' + rolename + '''' from #srvrole where lower(member) = lower(@shortname) -- now print and update statement to update that user in the user database -- select sid, name from sysusers print '-- Update user databases with newly maped users:' declare @updatestr varchar(1000) set @updatestr = ' if(''?'' not in (''master'', ''model'', ''tempdb'', ''msdb'')) print ''update [?]..[sysusers] set sid = isnull((select top 1 sid from master..syslogins where name = ''''' + @ad_name + '''''), sid) where sid = cast(' + @hexsid + ' as varbinary)'' ' exec sp_MSforeachdb @updatestr print '-- Completed creating/mapping user: [' + @ad_name + ']' print '' fetch from c_users into @name, @sid, @shortname, @dbname end -- added 12/19/2007 David Hay declare @updatestr2 varchar(1000) set @updatestr2 = ' if(''?'' not in (''master'', ''model'', ''tempdb'', ''msdb'')) print ''update [?]..[sysusers] set name = SUSER_SNAME(sid) where name like ''''' + @like_clause + ''''' ''' exec sp_MSforeachdb @updatestr2 print 'use master' print 'go' print 'update sysdatabases set sid = suser_sid(replace(suser_sname (sid),''' + @nt_domain + '\'',''' + @ad_domain + '\'')) where suser_sname(sid) like ''' + @nt_domain + '\%''' print '-- for good measure:' print 'go' print '' print '-- Dis-allow updates to system tables:' print 'exec sp_configure updates, 0' print 'reconfigure with override' print 'go' close c_users deallocate c_users drop table #srvrole end end Previous Posts In This Thread: On 21 November 2008 09:07 Imran wrote: how to change users login name in sql 2000 SP4 after domain change... Hi, I migrated windows domain & users and it happened that the users now belong to a new domain domain2, The users in sql server 2000 SP4 are still defined as part of domain1, now I needs to some how change all sql server 2000 users from the domain1 to the domain2 (just the name of the accounts, users or logins). Any idea please. if it s also to go through users and change their credentials in sql 2000 to reflect the new domain name. Thank you. On 21 November 2008 14:28 Michae wrote: RE: how to change users login name in sql 2000 SP4 after domain change The user name is not really your problem. It is not used during the authentication process in SQL Server. When you add a domain user to SQL Server it stores the SID and uses that. If you created new users in the new domain then they will have new SID's and you will have to re-add them to SQL Server. Of course how you moved the users to the new domain may make it possible to fix. There are ways to move users from one domain to another and keep the SIDs. If you did then we may have something to work with... Michael "Imran" wrote: On 23 November 2008 04:48 David Hay wrote: Re: how to change users login name in sql 2000 SP4 after domain change... Make sure you run this in a test environment FIRST before running against a production server! I cannot emphasize this enough. test, test, test and more testing. I used this and it worked pretty well. It will generate a script that clones the old AD accounts, with all permissions intact. you can then run the generated script in QA. It has been slightly modified. You can search for the original author to see the original. Replace the Old domain and New Domain values as appropriate. Remeber to set QA to output text, and to turn column headings off. You will need to check Job ownerships, search for Orphans, etc prior to dropping the old AD accounts. When I did it, I also changed DTS ownership, JobOwnership, I had many procedures that had embedded code pointing to the old domain. You will also probably have to examine any/all DTS connections for any references to the old domain. There is a tool called DTSDOC that will generate a very nice HTML document for you. That can then be searched so the packages can be updated. good luck and GO SLOW! David Hay /* * * Quickly generate a script to add active directory users * that match from an nt-4.0 domain controled setting * * by Jon Coulter * 11/09/2004 * * -- updated 3/10/2004 to allow for MSSQL 7 (changed 'name' to 'loginname' from syslogins tabe) */ /* select o.loginname, o.sid from master.dbo.syslogins o, master.dbo.syslanguages l where (o.language like l.alias or o.language like */ -- select o.loginname, o.language, o.dbname, N'sa' = convert(int, suser_sid(, o.sid, o.denylogin, o.isntname, o.isntgroup, o.password, l.alias, o.hasaccess, o.sysadmin from master.dbo.syslogins o, master.dbo.syslanguages l where (o.language like l.alias or o.language like union select o.loginname,, o.dbname, N'sa' = convert(int, suser_sid(, o.sid, o.denylogin, o.isntname, o.isntgroup, o.password, l.alias, o.hasaccess, o.sysadmin from master.dbo.syslogins o, master.dbo.syslanguages l where o.language is NULL and l.langid = @@default_langid order by o.isntgroup, o.loginname -- select loginname, sid from master.dbo.syslogins where sid is not null -- select * from master..syslogins -- select cast (0x01050000000000051500000079415968DF509D2D454AEF1401020000 as varbinary) -- note, remove column headers (Tools -> Options -> Results -> uncheck column headers) -- to get nice output use master go IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_hexadecimal') IS NULL exec(' CREATE PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal @binvalue varbinary(256), @hexvalue varchar(256) OUTPUT AS DECLARE @charvalue varchar(256) DECLARE @i int DECLARE @length int DECLARE @hexstring char(16) SELECT @charvalue = ''0x'' SELECT @i = 1 SELECT @length = DATALENGTH (@binvalue) SELECT @hexstring = ''0123456789ABCDEF'' WHILE (@i <= @length) BEGIN DECLARE @tempint int DECLARE @firstint int DECLARE @secondint int SELECT @tempint = CONVERT(int, SUBSTRING(@binvalue,@i,1)) SELECT @firstint = FLOOR(@tempint/16) SELECT @secondint = @tempint - (@firstint*16) SELECT @charvalue = @charvalue + SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @firstint+1, 1) + SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @secondint+1, 1) SELECT @i = @i + 1 END SELECT @hexvalue = @charvalue' ) GO begin set nocount on declare @nt_domain varchar(100), @ad_domain varchar(100) set @nt_domain = 'Old Domain' set @ad_domain = 'New Domain' -- no need to edit below this line IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_hexadecimal') IS NULL raiserror('You must first load the stored procedure sp_hexadecimal (from the sp_help_revlogin.sql script)', 15, 1) else begin print '-- Converting from [' + @nt_domain + '] to [' + @ad_domain + ']' print '-- Ouput Generated: ' + cast(getdate() as varchar) print '' print '-- Allow updates to system tables:' print 'exec sp_configure updates, 1' print 'reconfigure with override' print 'go' print '' declare @like_clause varchar(102) set @like_clause = isnull(@nt_domain, '') + '\%'; -- temporary srvrole access table create table #srvrole ( rolename varchar(150), member varchar(150), sid varbinary(100) ); -- insert data insert into #srvrole exec sp_helpsrvrolemember -- delete invalid users delete from #srvrole where member not like @like_clause -- change their name to the new one update #srvrole set member = substring(member, charindex('\', member) + 1, len (member)); declare @name varchar(100), @sid varbinary(100), @shortname varchar(100), @dbname varchar(100) declare c_users cursor for select loginname, sid, substring(loginname, charindex('\', loginname) + 1, len (loginname)), dbname from master..syslogins where UPPER(loginname) like @like_clause open c_users fetch from c_users into @name, @sid, @shortname, @dbname while(@@fetch_status = 0) begin declare @ad_name varchar(150) declare @hexsid as varchar(256) set @ad_name = @ad_domain + '\' + @shortname set @hexsid = ''; exec sp_hexadecimal @sid, @hexsid OUTPUT -- get the hex value of this print '--' print '-- Create user [' + @ad_name + '] based on [' + @name + ']' print '--' print '-- Grant login:' print 'exec sp_grantlogin ''' + @ad_name + '''' if(@dbname is not null) begin print '-- Set Default Database:' print 'exec sp_defaultdb ''' + @ad_name + ''', ''' + @dbname + '''' end -- server-level grants for that user print '' print '-- Grant any server-roles:' select 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' + @ad_name + ''', ''' + rolename + '''' from #srvrole where lower(member) = lower(@shortname) -- now print and update statement to update that user in the user database -- select sid, name from sysusers print '-- Update user databases with newly maped users:' declare @updatestr varchar(1000) set @updatestr = ' if(''?'' not in (''master'', ''model'', ''tempdb'', ''msdb'')) print ''update [?]..[sysusers] set sid = isnull((select top 1 sid from master..syslogins where name = ''''' + @ad_name + '''''), sid) where sid = cast(' + @hexsid + ' as varbinary)'' ' exec sp_MSforeachdb @updatestr print '-- Completed creating/mapping user: [' + @ad_name + ']' print '' fetch from c_users into @name, @sid, @shortname, @dbname end -- added 12/19/2007 David Hay declare @updatestr2 varchar(1000) set @updatestr2 = ' if(''?'' not in (''master'', ''model'', ''tempdb'', ''msdb'')) print ''update [?]..[sysusers] set name = SUSER_SNAME(sid) where name like ''''' + @like_clause + ''''' ''' exec sp_MSforeachdb @updatestr2 print 'use master' print 'go' print 'update sysdatabases set sid = suser_sid(replace(suser_sname (sid),''' + @nt_domain + '\'',''' + @ad_domain + '\'')) where suser_sname(sid) like ''' + @nt_domain + '\%''' print '-- for good measure:' print 'go' print '' print '-- Dis-allow updates to system tables:' print 'exec sp_configure updates, 0' print 'reconfigure with override' print 'go' close c_users deallocate c_users drop table #srvrole end end EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice Getting PC information
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