From: Gert-Jan Strik on
Frank Uray wrote:
> My datamodel is normalized, the Key and the Value are
> in different tables with relation and constraints.
> I have simplified it just for testing.

O boy. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that you have a
table called Keys in which you store the names of the keys (such as
"Profession") and a table called Values in which you store one or more
values of this key for the Candidate (such as "Informatiker").

If that is the case, then your model is not normalized, and it is (as
David noted) the EAV anti-pattern.

You say you have relations and constraints. So tell me, how do you
prevent someone from entering a "Title" with value "Informatiker" in the
database? Or let's say you also have a key called "DateOfBirth". How do
you prevent values like "2E3" and "1st of January 2 thousand" for this

Or let's say that a Candidate should at least have a "Title" and a
"Profession". How would you prevent Candidates with just a "Title", or
just a "Profession"?

What happens if someone changes the Key's name from "Profession" to

I already know your answer! Because with your current design, you cannot
(easily) solve this in the database. So it must be solved in the
application layer. All the unwanted situations that you allow in the
database become a burdon for the developer who will then have to write
complex queries to filter out any incomplete entities (in your case
Candidates). The developer will have to code and manage the business
rules, even the business rules about what constitutes a "Candicate".

After a short while, this approach will likely fail. A developer will
"forget" some of the rules, or someone will change data in the database
directly (without using your application), etc. If something goes wrong,
it might be very difficult to determine what data is correct and what
isn't. It is very easy with this model to create (or end up in) a
nightmare scenario.

If you still think the Entity-Attribute-Value approach is the right one
for you, then I wish you good luck.

If you realize the potential problems and want to avoid it, then it
would be best to redesign the database. If that is beyond your control,
then you could build views to pivot the unnormalized data to a
normalized set. In your case, the view could look something like this
(partially copied from Plamen). You want to list all the columns in this
view that belong to a Candidate.

SELECT FK_Candidate,
MAX(CASE WHEN [Key] = 'Profession' THEN [Value] END) AS
MAX(CASE WHEN [Key] = 'Source' THEN [Value] END) AS [source]
FROM Keys JOIN Values ON Keys.key_id = Values.key_id
GROUP BY FK_Candidate

After that, you at least make it a bit easier for you developer to write
queries, because it allows simple queries again, like

SELECT FK_Candidate
FROM Candidate
WHERE profession = 'Informatiker'
AND "source" = 'Quelle1'

SQL Server MVP