From: Knut Stolze on
Michel Esber wrote:

> I did rebind both packages now, but I still get the same error.
> Actually, I ran a db2rbind on the database but no luck.
> How do I find out which syscat.packages do these procedures correspond?
> Perhaps I could delete and recreate them from scratch.

You could have a look at the db2diag output. It should list which package
failed (with a sufficiently high DIAGLEVEL setting).

Knut Stolze
DB2 Information Integration Development
IBM Germany
From: Ian on
Michel Esber wrote:
> Hello,
> Linux DB2 V7 FP13 kernel 2.4.
> Parts of our application login run on C++ procedures that are working
> fine. I have taken an offline backup and restored it to a Linux V8
> kernel 2.6 FP 14 server.
> The RESTORE finished without any problem. Now when I try to call the
> same procedure it returns SQL0818N (Timestamp conflict error). I have
> tried to rebind the package, reinstalled the .bnd and .so files, but
> nothing has worked so far.

I have seen 2 issues that could be related:

1) If you're using Static SQL in your procedure, and the bind file
that you provided to BIND doesn't match the compiled library
containing your stored procedure (i.e. PREP file.sqC generates
a matched pair of files (.bnd and .C). If you mix and match
these you'll get an error.

2) I have seen a similar problem in the past where the creation
timestamp for the object in question is in the future. This
for the procedure(s) in question and see if they are in the
future. If so, try dropping and recreating your stored proc.

From: Michel Esber on

Prior to migration, my .bnd and .so files were compiled on a kernel 2.4
system. I have installed a new set of files (for kernel 2.6 + DB2 V8)
but the error wouldn´t go away.

The problem was solved after a bind + an instance restart.

Thanks again,