From: joel garry on

Quosek wrote:
> Hello
> I've installed oracle-instantclient, oracle-skd and oracle-sqlplus.
> everything works fine, except tnsnames...
> a can connect to remote database using:
> sqlplus
> xx/xx@"(description=(address=(host="
> but I'm not able to use tnsnames.
> I've created (ok - used my windows tnsnames) TNSNAMES.ORA as below:
> set TNS_ADMIN to directory in which I have TNSNAMES.ORA
> and I've got error: "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect
> identifier specified" (sqlplus xx/xx(a)DVLPBIS)
> what's going on ?
> I've tried also setting ORACLE_HOME to /usr/lib/oracle/
> but then I get error:
> SP2-1503: Unable to initialize Oracle call interface
> SP2-0152: ORACLE may not be functioning properly
> Has anyone any idea ?
> And yes - I haven't got tnsping (it was not delivered it this 3 packages)

Have you tried lsnrctl status on the server, and changing the
service_name to what that thinks it is (under services summary)? Maybe
there needs to be domain information appended.

-- is bogus.
"A good DBA must have a Midas touch: must be able to turn anything into
a muffler." - Mladen Gogala