From: Terry Steyaert on 20 May 2010 09:04 We have transactional replication running between several SQLServer 2008 databases. Distribution and publishers are the same computer, subscribers are remote computers. (Both to SQLServer 2008 Enterprise and SQLServer 2008 Express subscribers.) Somehow (and I'm not remotely sure how), the original publications were deleted. The database was then restored (without replication on the source) and replication was re-added with slightly different names. Approximately ten minutes after re-creating all of replication, with replication working just fine, two of the three publications show up in Replication Monitor. They do NOT appear under the server's publication list (under Replication). They appear to ONLY appear in MSpublications and MSsnapshot_agents. (And the original should have been transactional replication, not snapshot.) We've even completely dropped and re-created the distribution database. Looking through the MSpublications table, the re-created replication objects are of publication_type 1 and a description of "6.x publication". Our software does not reference replication. We don't know of anything on the subscriber that could re-create the publication. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Terry Steyaert
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