From: kikuzo on
Hi Spen, thanks for the tips..!!

I see that you used a Generic #1 Bus. I had to use #2 because the
board with the SSD1906 was set that way.

I also tried to use the WAIT signal to stop momentarily the STR912
connecting it to an external interrupt (P5.6, line 14), but I have not
been lucky with that. The interrupt routine never gets called, so I
lowered the bus speed to 40 MHz. With that and the aid of Wait States,
I let the WAIT signal to come up nicely.

For the write signal I used EMI_WRL. The other line, EMI_WRH , does
the same job in a multiplexed 16-bit bus. The pin WE1 was tied to
ground, since it's only used for 8-bit buses.

In my test I got 18mSec refresh rate for a full screen, using 4bpp.
That give me about 55Hz, which is perfect.

I visited Ramtex web page, but they don't have a demo library.
That's a shame. I'm starting to write my own library, but graphic
functions are very heavy to deal with.



Spen wrote:
> kikuzo wrote:
> > Hi Spen, great to hear from you..!!!
> >
> > I've already connected the STR912 to the graphic chip SSD1906, but I
> > can only read even register/address locations. For odd locations I
> > only read 0xFF. I don't have very clear how to use the WE1, A0 lines.
> >
> > I have not found much literature for the SSD1906 except for the
> > datasheet. I'll appreciate very much your help.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Hideo.
> > n.o.s.p.a.m.kikuzo(a) (remove no spam)
> >
> > Spen wrote:
> >> I have just done this - str9 amd SSD1906. It is a daughter board to plug
> >> into the Hitex STR9 starter kit.
> >>
> >> I will send schematics if you give me a contact email.
> >>
> >> Running Ramtex gui as it is low cost compared to others, also currently
> >> porting microwindows. Display used is a Hitachi TX09.
> >>
> >> Cheers
> >> Spen
> >
> These are my connections for the STR9-SSD1906 tft driver.
> CS - STR9 CS0
> BS - GND
> M/R - STR9 A17
> I am using the 16bit multiplexed bus, so remember on the str9 the
> address are shifted.
> Because of this we need to connect SSD A0 to GND. The STR9 A0 to the SSD
> A1 and so on.
> 2 M74HC573 are used as the address latches.
> Hope this helps
> Spen

From: Stef on
In comp.arch.embedded,
kikuzo <kikuzo(a)> wrote:
> Hi Spen, thanks for the tips..!!
> I see that you used a Generic #1 Bus. I had to use #2 because the
> board with the SSD1906 was set that way.
> I also tried to use the WAIT signal to stop momentarily the STR912
> connecting it to an external interrupt (P5.6, line 14), but I have not
> been lucky with that. The interrupt routine never gets called, so I

This is not how to use a WAIT signal. It should be connected to the
WAIT (or busy, ready etc.) pin of the bus interface. The businterface
will then automatically insert waitstates until WAIT goes inactive.

> lowered the bus speed to 40 MHz. With that and the aid of Wait States,
> I let the WAIT signal to come up nicely.

Setting a fixed number of waitstates is a good alternative to using WAIT,
but you must make sure all minimum bus times are met. This means that
using the WAIT signal can make the access a little faster as the number
of waitstates is adjusted to the requirement for that particular access.

Stef (remove caps, dashes and .invalid from e-mail address to reply by mail)

From: kikuzo on
Hi Stef !!

The WAIT signal for the EMI in the STR912 is only available in LFBGA
packages, that's why I tried to to use an external interrupt instead,
but I think that am missing son info about EMI and EXINT because the
interrupt request works fine only when the EMI is not beign used...

any thoughts about this ?



Stef wrote:
> In comp.arch.embedded,
> kikuzo <kikuzo(a)> wrote:
> > Hi Spen, thanks for the tips..!!
> >
> > I see that you used a Generic #1 Bus. I had to use #2 because the
> > board with the SSD1906 was set that way.
> >
> > I also tried to use the WAIT signal to stop momentarily the STR912
> > connecting it to an external interrupt (P5.6, line 14), but I have not
> > been lucky with that. The interrupt routine never gets called, so I
> This is not how to use a WAIT signal. It should be connected to the
> WAIT (or busy, ready etc.) pin of the bus interface. The businterface
> will then automatically insert waitstates until WAIT goes inactive.
> > lowered the bus speed to 40 MHz. With that and the aid of Wait States,
> > I let the WAIT signal to come up nicely.
> Setting a fixed number of waitstates is a good alternative to using WAIT,
> but you must make sure all minimum bus times are met. This means that
> using the WAIT signal can make the access a little faster as the number
> of waitstates is adjusted to the requirement for that particular access.
> --
> Stef (remove caps, dashes and .invalid from e-mail address to reply by mail)

From: Stef on
In comp.arch.embedded,
kikuzo <kikuzo(a)> wrote:

[Please reply below the material you quote]

> The WAIT signal for the EMI in the STR912 is only available in LFBGA
> packages, that's why I tried to to use an external interrupt instead,
> but I think that am missing son info about EMI and EXINT because the
> interrupt request works fine only when the EMI is not beign used...
I' don't know this particular processor, but I suspect EMI means
External Memory Interface in this context. The WAIT signal effects
the EMI timing, the EXTINT effect the program flow, the two have
nothing to do with each other.

If you have no WAIT signal availale on your EMI, just set the number
of waitstates high enough. Read the timing diagrams to get the correct

I think you need to study your documentation more carefully and also
read op on general processor architecture. You need to understand the
concepts of bus interface (and the wait signal) and interrupt and
must be able to differentiate between.

[quote below left because it has some relevant info]

> Stef wrote:
>> In comp.arch.embedded,
>> kikuzo <kikuzo(a)> wrote:
>> > Hi Spen, thanks for the tips..!!
>> >
>> > I see that you used a Generic #1 Bus. I had to use #2 because the
>> > board with the SSD1906 was set that way.
>> >
>> > I also tried to use the WAIT signal to stop momentarily the STR912
>> > connecting it to an external interrupt (P5.6, line 14), but I have not
>> > been lucky with that. The interrupt routine never gets called, so I
>> This is not how to use a WAIT signal. It should be connected to the
>> WAIT (or busy, ready etc.) pin of the bus interface. The businterface
>> will then automatically insert waitstates until WAIT goes inactive.
>> > lowered the bus speed to 40 MHz. With that and the aid of Wait States,
>> > I let the WAIT signal to come up nicely.
>> Setting a fixed number of waitstates is a good alternative to using WAIT,
>> but you must make sure all minimum bus times are met. This means that
>> using the WAIT signal can make the access a little faster as the number
>> of waitstates is adjusted to the requirement for that particular access.
>> --
>> Stef (remove caps, dashes and .invalid from e-mail address to reply by mail)

Stef (remove caps, dashes and .invalid from e-mail address to reply by mail)

From: CBFalconer on
kikuzo wrote:
> The WAIT signal for the EMI in the STR912 is only available in LFBGA
> packages, that's why I tried to to use an external interrupt instead,
> but I think that am missing son info about EMI and EXINT because the
> interrupt request works fine only when the EMI is not beign used...
> any thoughts about this ?

Please don't top-post. Your answer belongs after, or intermixed
with, the material you quote, after snipping out anything
immaterial. See the following links:

Some informative links:
<> (newusers)
<> (taming google)

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