From: Rob Christiansen on
this script prints out my file in cells. each record is a separate table
identified by rs("id").Value = RecnumToModify. Clickiing SUBMIT
redirects me
just fine and i extract the proper info. All that works fine. the
problem is, back in the main script i can't access the value of what i
radioed - RecnumToModify

<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" ><input
type="radio" name= "RecnumToModify" value= "<% Response.Write(
rs("id").Value ) %>" >
<% Response.Write( rs("id").Value ) %> ) </TD>

<TD <ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" ><%
Response.Write( rs("prevrec").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("nextrec").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD <ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" ><%
Response.Write( rs("sshow").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sname").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("smessage").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sclient").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sa").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sb").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sc").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sd").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("se").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sf").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sg").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sh").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sj").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sk").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sL").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sm").Value ); %> </TD>
<TD ALIGN=left BGCOLOR= "<% Response.Write( TableColor ) %>" > <%
Response.Write( rs("sN").Value ); %> </TD>
<input type=hidden name= "RecnumToTag" value= "RecnumToModify" >

rs.MoveNext( );
} //567


<TABLE WIDTH=1000 border=0 >


var Recnum = Request.QueryString("RecnumToTag");
<input type=hidden name= "TagIt" value= "<% Response.Write( Recnum )
%>" >
<input type=submit name= submit value= Tag >


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