From: xmath on
How about splitting the padded message into 48-byte blocks, combining
them with fixed diagonal constants into salsa20 inputs m_1, m_2, .. m_k
and doing:

h_0 = IV
h_1 = F(h_0) + Salsa20(m_1)
h_2 = F(h_1) + Salsa20(m_2)
h_k = F(h_{k-1}) + Salsa20(m_k)

Where F is Salsa20/8 without final addition (a "random" bijection).

This appears to avoid all attacks so far, and keeps the diagonal out of
the attacker's hands. Performance is even slightly better because the
faster F more than compensates for the smaller message blocks.

Another variation would be
h_i = F(h_{i-1}) + Salsa20(m_i XOR h_{i-1})

which would further interfere with any "parallel" attack (like
generalized birthday). It would however also interfere with parallel
evaluation of the hash.

More thoughts?

- xmath

From: D. J. Bernstein on
On 2006-09-27, xmath <> wrote:
> How about splitting the padded message into 48-byte blocks, combining
> them with fixed diagonal constants into salsa20 inputs m_1, m_2, .. m_k

That's a fairly strong start. The outputs such as Salsa20(m_1) are very
hard to control. But it's not as strong as including a position in each
input; the attacker can permute or copy output blocks.

> and doing:
> h_0 = IV
> h_1 = F(h_0) + Salsa20(m_1)
> h_2 = F(h_1) + Salsa20(m_2)
> ..
> h_k = F(h_{k-1}) + Salsa20(m_k)
> Where F is Salsa20/8 without final addition (a "random" bijection).

Some people will complain that the compression function has collisions
(although this doesn't necessarily imply collisions in the whole hash):
any h,m,m' have F(h) + Salsa20(m) = F(h') + Salsa20(m') where h' is
computed as F^(-1)(F(h) + Salsa20(m) - Salsa20(m')). Why biject?

Anyway, the standard way to analyze collision resistance of a mode is to
prove that a global collision implies a much simpler local collision.
Every safe mode I've seen allows this type of proof.

---D. J. Bernstein, Professor, Mathematics, Statistics,
and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
From: xmath on
D. J. Bernstein wrote:
> On 2006-09-27, xmath <> wrote:
> > How about splitting the padded message into 48-byte blocks, combining
> > them with fixed diagonal constants into salsa20 inputs m_1, m_2, .. m_k
> That's a fairly strong start. The outputs such as Salsa20(m_1) are very
> hard to control. But it's not as strong as including a position in each
> input; the attacker can permute or copy output blocks.

Yea, I had already realized it was a good idea to have the first two
diagonal words fixed, and the other two words as a 64-bit value of the
number of bytes hashed so far (i * 48 for all but the last block, total
size for last block). Another advantage is that you then only need to
zero-pad the message, nothing fancier.

> Why biject?

Somewhat simpler code, assures F is collision-free which could save
some headache in proving things about the overall hash. I think it
might also better preserve the entropy of the early message blocks of a
long message?

> Anyway, the standard way to analyze collision resistance of a mode is to
> prove that a global collision implies a much simpler local collision.

I'm trying but it's not particularly simple. Certainly it requires
more from H than simple collision-resistance, like given a non-zero w
it should be hard to find m and m' such that H(m) - H(m') = w.

I'll spend some more thought on it tomorrow, see how it goes.

- xmath

From: Scott Contini on

xmath wrote:
> Scott Contini wrote:
> > I think you can get a collision as follows
> Whoops. :-)
> I suppose this could be prevented by taking
> h_i = F(h_{i-1} + H(m_i))
> or
> h_i = F(h_{i-1}) + H(m_i)
> where F and H are independent one-way functions? actually I think F
> doesn't even need to be one-way or anything, just stir things enough to
> avoid a generalized birthday attack. Hmm...
> I need to think a bit more about this clearly...
> - xmath

Just a few comments: According to my colleague who knows all this
foundations of cryptographry stuff, there is no known construction
converts a one-way function into a collision resistant hash function.
also warn you to be careful about attempting to do it with Salsa20:
has at least one obvious fixed point (all 0's), which is ominous.
Also, the
well known hash functions use compression functions. Salsa20 does not
compress: the output size is the same as the input.

I haven't looked at your construction with two independent one-way
but it would be advisable to have some type of security reduction.
that are entirely heuristic are often broken very quickly.


From: D. J. Bernstein on
Scott Contini <the_great_contini(a)> wrote:
> Salsa20 does not compress: the output size is the same as the input.

Correct. But there are many safe ways to build a reasonably fast
compression function from Salsa20. For example, here's Rumba20: compress
a 1536-bit string partitioned as (m_1,m_2,m_3,m_4) to the 512-bit string
Salsa20(c_1,m_1) + Salsa20(c_2,m_2) + Salsa20(c_3,m_3) + Salsa20(c_4,m_4)
where each c_i is a new standard 128-bit constant placed on the diagonal
and chosen as discussed in ``Salsa20 security,'' Section 4, ``Notes on
the diagonal constants.'' Feed the final 512-bit output through Salsa20
again; truncate to 256 bits; you have a SHA-256 replacement.

---D. J. Bernstein, Professor, Mathematics, Statistics,
and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
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