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From: Trever L. Adams on 1 May 2010 21:20 Hello all, I have largely only used samba in my home. I have several large projects I see coming for me that require domain trusts, forests and Samba 4. As I have been reading up on Samba 4, I have found several things people have mentioned that are being worked on or need to be worked on. One of which is uid/gid <-> rid mapping and work for inter-domain trusts. I think I may have found a solution. I do not know if it will work in Forests, nor do I know how cleanly it can be implemented. As I understand it, for domain trusts (at least out of a forest), you must have a user in each domain that is the trust user. We use the uid/gid in RFC2307 or SFU to store some magic values. Each domain is then free to have user/group ids in the (based on Samba 3.3.0 release notes) in bits 0-19 based on whatever algorithm they chose. 20-30 are locally a hash of the domain SID. The uid in the trust user becomes the the domain SID hash (20-30) with the rest of the bits 0. If there is a collision between SID hashes, then we locally store a free hash (+1 from the collision until we find a free one, making sure to stay only in bits 20-30). We then mask any uid/gid information returned by the trusted domain and or it with our local version of the trusted domain's SID hash, giving us a stable UID/GID which is guaranteed unique. On replicating/adding a new user, we check the uid/gid, if empty, we set it based on idhash_map's idea of what it should be, of course +1 until we have a free hash, staying in bits 0-19 only for the +1. This likely will require some hooks or other things in replication code. Or, for those who hate the hash way, simply find highest value and add 1 until we find a free hash. Now, I said gid of trust user for trusted domain would be used for some magic. If people know how many domains they will trust (as an upper bound), you can use GID for a mask for the domain part. Each trust user/trusted domain would have to have the same GID, since they would all have to be masked the same. The uid would then, on replication/new user, would have to be within whatever 0 part of the mask. Of course, this requires manual setting of the UID for the trust user. You could combine the two so that the hash version described here would have selectable bits for (or number of maximum trusted domains in power of two or progmatically handled) which would adjust automatically so the user hash would take up all but the domain SID hash part (which would be no more than 10 bits and no less than 4). So, User RID hash would be bits 0-19 on up to 0-26. This would require agreement on # of bits used for SID part of the hash between domains (human decisions), but that is rather simple, I think. If we did the paragraph above, the gid would not be magic on trust users. Only the uid. Or, vice versa. It would store only the domain SID hash part of the full user id, and mixed with the bit count, would function as a masking and oring to make the full user id that we can trust as non-colliding. Pardon me, please, if my idea above is foolish or naive. I have just been thinking about it a few days and am completely unfamiliar with the samba code base. One question which I haven't answered is why store the uid/gid in AD instead of just compute like idmap_hash, the answer is it allows us to deal with collisions, both in the rid and sid part of the hash. I think it may also make all of the normal authentication/identification stuff go a bit faster, but I could be wrong. Thank you, Trever Adams |