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From: Adrian gavrila on 3 May 2010 09:58 I am using Fminsearch and as output I use outfun.The problem I have is that I cannot save the resulting values for variables.It only saves in outfun1 the values of the last iteration and also for plotting.I know that I can use optimValues.field but I cannot acces the value of the evaluation count. Is there a solution to this.? thank you Please help. fminsearch---------------- options =optimset('Display','iter','MaxFunEvals',300,'OutputFcn',@outfun) %-----calling for outfun --- ,'OutputFcn',@outfun [y,fval,exitflag,output]=fminsearchbnd(@(w_tooth) marcu(w_tooth),dim,LB,UB,options); ------------------outfun function stop = outfun(T,optimValues,state) global I1 I2 I3 T fluxA fluxB fluxC theta I2q stop=[]; historyT = []; historyfval=[]; counti=[]; i=0; if state== 'iter' hold on i=i+1; torques(i)=T; count(i)=i; % Concatenate current point and objective function % value with history. x must be a row vector. historyfval = [historyfval; optimValues.funcCount]; historyT = [historyT;T]; %plot(iter,history.fval,'.'); %plot(iter,history.fval,'.'); save('outfun1') plot(historyfval,torques,'.') hold off end end
From: Steven Lord on 3 May 2010 11:06 "Adrian gavrila" <adig_coool(a)> wrote in message news:hrmkpc$mrn$1(a) >I am using Fminsearch and as output I use outfun.The problem I have is that >I cannot save the resulting values for variables.It only saves in outfun1 >the values of the last iteration and also for plotting.I know that I can >use optimValues.field but I cannot acces the value of the evaluation count. >Is there a solution to this.? Use persistent variables or write your output function as a nested function. You should also not do ... *snip* > if state== 'iter' this, as if state were a string that did not contain 4 characters or a scalar, this would error. Instead I would use SWITCH or STRCMP to handle the different 'state' inputs. -- Steve Lord slord(a) comp.soft-sys.matlab (CSSM) FAQ:
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