From: Larry Serflaten on 2 Jul 2010 11:17 "Mike Williams" <Mike(a)> wrote > That's because the variable [dataIn] is not an array. (...) It seems you enjoy being verbose, if not cryptic. With all that talk, you failed to inform: > > My experience and what I read from Mike's answer was > > that I do need to "resize" the array to the needed size before calling "get" > While keeping a header for version and size information is a good idea, > it is not a requirement. That's all I was going for. And as Nobody showed, he can also use a UDT which you agree goes without any appreciable speed hit. Both methods do not require the array to be sized prior to reading the data. LFS
From: Larry Serflaten on 2 Jul 2010 11:58 "Mike Williams" <Mike(a)> wrote > > You couldn't just say yes or no, could you? > > What's up, Larry? This is not the first time you have posted such a snidely > worded response to something I have posted. I know I should let it go, but it bothers me to see someone add confusion when clarity is desired. More often that not you seem to chime in with some form of treatise that can cloud the issue rather than simply answer the question. Your know-it-all replies border on narcissism with touch of superiority complex which I just find a bit distasteful, time after time. That is not to say some first-time posters don't think you knowlegable on the topic, that's not the issue. Of course you have an education, but you shouldn't be trying to prove yourself better than everyone, especially at the expense and degredation of others who are simply trying to help enlighten. LFS
From: Mike Williams on 2 Jul 2010 12:53 "Larry Serflaten" <serflaten(a)> wrote in message news:i0l29k$cg1$1(a) > Your know-it-all replies border on narcissism with > touch of superiority complex which I just find a bit > distasteful, time after time. So I was right, you /have/ got a "thing" about me. You really need to let it go Larry. It's eating away at your brain. Just chill. Mike
From: Mike Williams on 2 Jul 2010 12:55 "Larry Serflaten" <serflaten(a)> wrote in message news:i0kvt4$q48$1(a) > That's all I was going for. And as Nobody showed, he > can also use a UDT which you agree goes without any > appreciable speed hit. Exactly. It is only your own solution that has the massive speed hit, something which you failed to tell the OP about. Mike
From: Karl E. Peterson on 6 Jul 2010 20:04
Larry Serflaten pretended : > I know I should let it go, Yep. <g> -- ..NET: It's About Trust! |