From: ManicQin on
Thank you guys,
About the first example I gave, it wasn't an example for RAII , I just
tried to explain what do I mean in re-scoping.

But take Ronald's example: ScopedLocks.

If I un-intentionally delete the scopes ("{}") I can harm the logical
flow of the system, suddenly the mutex applies to the entire scope of
the function and not only for the resources I tried to protect.

If you take auto_ptr and ScopedLock you can see a difference between
them (besides their purpose of course!)
for example with auto_ptr (IMO) the block of code that it resides in
only determines the life span of the auto_ptr (and by that the pointer
that he holds).
in ScopedLock the block of code that it resides in determines the
block of code that it operates on.

I just think that the "closing curly brackets" were given a new power
and the question is: "does a small curly bracket is strong enough tool
for the mission?"

On a personal note,
In the company that I am employed we use the "C++ is a better C"
paradigm (we use classes!),
from time to time I'm trying to introduce people to new concepts and
usually I hit the brick wall of
"And what if the next guy wont know what you did and how to work with
it?" (which is a very reasonable argument)
So each time I try to introduce a new concept I check to see how
destructive is it and does it worth it.


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