From: Richard on
Hello everybody,

I'd like to use Matlab as my core data / calculation engine for manipulations done on a CATIA V5R19 model. Thus I would like to operate CATIA in a remote mode utilizing the COM interface. I registered CATIA by utilizing the command cnext.exe /regserver.

Using Python 2.5 together with the win32com libary for doing this works fine - actually I found an example drawing various things via Python in CATIA. Exactly the same I'd like to do out of Matlab (2009b). I tried this with

h = actxserver('CATIA.Application')

returns (after 1' of loading)

h =


but does not return further command opportunities. If I try to make the CATIA window visible, which can be easily done in Python (e.g. catia.Visible = 1), but is rejected in Matlab, stateing:

>> h.Visible = 1
??? No public field Visible exists for class COM.CATIA_Application.

What has to be done to utilize the full spectrum of CATIA commands, identically to the ones found via Python?

Thank you very much for your suggestions,


P.S.: Links to CATIA via Python...