From: John Franco on
Will it work equally well for the xaxis?
What I find is that using set(gca,'xaxis','log') the patch objects are log area, which in my situation is undesirable,
"Troy D. Goodson" <Troy.D.Goodson(a)> wrote in message <210420001712327242%Troy.D.Goodson(a)>...
> I needed to make some bar plots with a log y-scale. I didn't see a way
> to do it, so I rolled my own. I'm thinking of submitting this to the
> Mathworks' user-contributed site, but I thought I'd see what comments I
> garnered here, first.
> Here it is:
> function logbar(h,bmin);
> %LOGBAR Transform a bar plot to semilogy
> % LOGBAR(H,BMIN) changes the bar plot so that each bar's
> % bottom is at BMIN. The argument H may be either the
> % axis handle or one of the handles from BAR.
> % The bar plot's y-scale is changed to log.
> %
> % Both arguments are optional. The default H is GCA and
> % the default BMIN is EPS.
> %
> % See also BAR, GCA, EPS. SET
> % $Author: tdg $ $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2000/04/22 00:07:05 $
> % $Locker: tdg $ (tdg = Troy D. Goodson)
> % Troy.D.Goodson(a)
> % take care of default settings
> if nargin < 2, bmin = []; end
> if nargin < 1, h = []; end
> if isempty(h), h = gca; end
> if isempty(bmin), bmin = eps; end
> % if user gave axes handles, then assemble a list of
> % all children who are patches
> if ( get(h(1),'type') == 'axes' )
> h2 = h;
> h = [];
> for ii = 1:length(h2)
> h = [h; findobj(h2(ii),'type','patch')];
> % We know the user wants this axis to be a semilogy plot
> set(h2(ii),'yscale','log')
> end
> end
> % assume that "h" is a list of patches
> for ii = 1:length(h)
> hy = get(h(ii),'vertices');
> % set all zero-entries to BMIN
> hy( find( hy == 0 ) ) = bmin;
> set(h(ii), 'vertices', hy)
> end
> % In case the user sent handles to patches, change the patch
> % parent (better be an axes) to semilogy
> set(get(h(1),'parent'),'yscale','log')
> return