From: Grant Edwards on
On 2008-12-11, Stef <stef33d(a)> wrote:
> Mark Borgerson <mborgerson(a)> wrote:
>> I just heard once again today, of the problems that can occur
>> if your USB serial port is receiving data when you plug in the
>> USB side. Apparently, it can make the serial port act like a
>> mouse if there is serial data arriving when the USB side is
>> enumerating.
> That may be a Windows problem and happens not only with FTDI
> or even USB stuff. Windows has always had problems when serial
> data comes in during boot.

It's definitely a windows problem, and it occurs with all
serial ports. My empolyer makes serial ports attached via
various buses (ISA, PCI, USB, Ethernet), and if there's data
coming in when Windows starts up the port, Windows decides it's
a mouse. It's a bug in Windows, and it's always been there.

> A USB attach may trigger the same sequence of events as during boot to
> try and detect what is attached and cause the same effect.

Probably. The Windows serial device drive framework is pretty
FUBAR (and has been for decades).

Grant Edwards grante Yow! HUMAN REPLICAS are
at inserted into VATS of NUTRITIONAL YEAST ...