From: coldfuse228 on

I think I have something working here, I'm just wondering if you see any
potential issues with this. Thank you so much for your help. This is how my
auditComponents system for all users works:

1.) Anytime a user logs in, my application.cfm does: Checks if user is logged
in and if login is already recorded in auditComponents table - basically I want
to log every user's successful login. Inside this conditional block, I set
loginAlreadyBeenRecorded to 1 so that auditComponents table will only be
written once with the "Logged in" message. Then, I call function that writes
auditComponents message to table, and that function also returns a unique id
from that table too. I use this unique id to set my
Session.visitIDentification variable that I will use later. I also clear
session variables when I log out. My shortened code for application.cfm is:
<cfparam name="Session.loginAlreadyBeenRecorded" default=0>
<cfparam name="Session.visitIDentification" default=0>

<cfif (Len(Trim(getAuthUser())) NEQ 0) AND Session.loginAlreadyBeenRecorded eq
<cfset session.loginAlreadyBeenRecorded = 1>
<cfinvoke component="components.auditComponents"
<cfset Session.visitIDentification = visitIDentification>

<cfif IsDefined("Form.logout")>
<cflock timeout=20 scope="Session" type="Exclusive">
<cfset StructDelete(Session, "loginAlreadyBeenRecorded")>

2.) Now that I have this session unique id (Session.visitIDentification), I
will log a message for all of users actions. I call a function that writes a
message to auditComponents table of user's actions and also pass in the
Session.visitIDentification (So that when I look at db table, I could just
select * of that visitIDentification and I would get all actions for that visit


3.) Also, do I need cflocks anywhere here?

Thank you so much for your help,

From: coldfuse228 on
Hi BKBK, like before with my new code, do you see any potential for data mixup,
like user actions being confused? I don't see any as of now b/c I'm using a
unique visitIDentification variable returned from my function(calls stored
procedure) and also I'm using sessions.

Also, would different browsers have different effects?

Thanks so much,

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