From: Nate Dudenhoeffer on
Is there a way to SetAttributes for all of the functions in a package? I
would like them all to be Locked and ReadProtected.


From: David Reiss on
This would be quite simple if SetAttrubutes accepted string
arguments. If it did then you could simply execute

SetAttributes[#,{Locked, ReadProtected}]&[Names["mycontext`*]]

where mycontext is your package context. Howe er SetAttributes does
not work this way (but it should...).

So one has to work around this. I had to do this years ago when
creating a password protection scheme for

Here is the code from within that package:

UnevaluatedNamesList[s_String] :=
ToExpression["Unevaluated[" <> # <> "]"] & /@ Names[s];

UnevaluatedNamesList[s : {_String ..}] :=
ToExpression["Unevaluated[" <> # <> "]"] & /@ s;

SetAttributesString[s_String, attribute_] :=
Scan[SetAttributes[#, attribute] &, UnevaluatedNamesList[s]];

SetAttributesString[s : {_String ..}, attribute_] :=
Scan[SetAttributes[#, attribute] &, UnevaluatedNamesList[s]];

With this you can then execute something like:

SetAttributesString["mycontext`*", ReadProtected]

A word of warning though. Remember that if you set the Locked
attribute for a function that has options then SetOptions will no
longer work with that function.

Also, if you have then you should
name your function something other than SetAttributesString since it
is defined in that package and would cause shadowing conflicts and
other bad things.

Hope this helps:


On Jul 27, 7:53 am, Nate Dudenhoeffer <ndudenhoef...(a)> wrote:
> Is there a way to SetAttributes for all of the functions in a package? =
> would like them all to be Locked and ReadProtected.
> Thanks,
> Nate

From: Albert Retey on

> Is there a way to SetAttributes for all of the functions in a package? I
> would like them all to be Locked and ReadProtected.

you can get a list of all symbol names in your package with:


using SetAttributes on that list should work alright (I haven't tested
the following but done things like this before):


if you have symbols that have OwnValues defined in your package, you
might need to delete those from the list of all symbols or need to be
more careful when creating symbols from the symbol names. You also might
want to protect the private functions of your package, if there are any...



From: Carl K. Woll on
On 7/28/2010 1:55 AM, Albert Retey wrote:
> Hi,
>> Is there a way to SetAttributes for all of the functions in a package? I
>> would like them all to be Locked and ReadProtected.
> you can get a list of all symbol names in your package with:
> Names["MyContext`*"]
> using SetAttributes on that list should work alright (I haven't tested
> the following but done things like this before):
> SetAttributes[ToExpression[Names["MyContext`*"]],{ReadProtected,Locked}]
> if you have symbols that have OwnValues defined in your package, you
> might need to delete those from the list of all symbols or need to be
> more careful when creating symbols from the symbol names. You also might
> want to protect the private functions of your package, if there are any...
> hth,
> albert

An alternative is something like:

ToExpression[Names["MyContext`*"], InputForm, Function[x,
SetAttributes[x, {ReadProtected, Locked}], HoldAll]]

so that OwnValues aren't a problem.

Carl Woll
Wolfram Research

From: Bill Rowe on
On 7/28/10 at 2:54 AM, dbreiss(a) (David Reiss) wrote:

>This would be quite simple if SetAttrubutes accepted string
>arguments. If it did then you could simply execute

>SetAttributes[#,{Locked, ReadProtected}]&[Names["mycontext`*]]

>where mycontext is your package context. Howe er SetAttributes does
>not work this way (but it should...).

>So one has to work around this. I had to do this years ago when
>creating a password protection scheme for

You didn't say what your work around was. I note the following

In[1]:= BeginPackage["test`"];
f[x_] := 2 x
g[x_] := 1/x

In[5]:= SetAttributes[#, {Locked, ReadProtected}] & /@ Names["test`*"];

In[6]:= Attributes[g]

Out[6]= {Locked,ReadProtected}

In[7]:= Attributes[f]

Out[7]= {Locked,ReadProtected}

Given this does what you seem to want and requires about the
same number of keystrokes to enter, if you consider this a "work
around" I contend it doesn't involve any significant effort. And
given this does the job, it isn't clear to me any thing needs to
be changed.