From: Jon Peltier on
I've found this to be unreliable. I haven't done enough with it to
elaborate, other than your experience is not unlike my own.

- Jon
Jon Peltier
Peltier Technical Services, Inc.

On 3/5/2010 8:38 AM, Holger Gerths wrote:
> Hi Herbert,
> sorry, but a point or a series has an association with a theme.
> I can set a dataseries-color with XL2007 color-picker and then activate
> another color-theme.
> What I see ist that the dataseries-color changes according to the new
> theme-color.
> Do you mean that it is impossible to associate a dataseries-color with a
> theme via VBA?
> Thanks for your patience,
> best regards, Holger.
> "Herbert Seidenberg"<herbds7-msxls(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:b0cd3515-de8e-471f-baff-c9bf29939263(a)
>> Excel 2007
>> A point has no association with a theme.
>> Trying to access the ThemeColor property will
>> result in an error.
>> A work-around is to use the RGB color of
>> a theme colored cell or shape, as demonstrated by
>> the line color macro.
>> Also see ThemePoint() macro.