From: Reff on
How to determine the specific shape with more object in the background.For example, There have 6 different object,how to recognize only one object via their shape?
From: ImageAnalyst on
On Jan 18, 9:35 pm, "Reff " <rafi...(a)> wrote:
> How to determine the specific shape with more object in the background.For example, There have 6 different object,how to recognize only one object via their shape?
> Thanks

You might try this demo where different objects are picked out:

Or go through some of the examples here:

If you want more info, then post your image at for
From: Reff on
I get the image,but not at all images display like the example image.
I got the error and how to fix it?

??? Undefined command/function 'sprint'.

Error in ==> regionprops>ParseInputs at 865
msg = sprint('This measurement is not a string: "%d".', list{k});

Error in ==> regionprops at 109
[L, requestedStats] = ParseInputs(officialStats, varargin{:});
From: Walter Roberson on
Reff wrote:
> I get the image,but not at all images display like the example image.
> I got the error and how to fix it?
> ??? Undefined command/function 'sprint'.
> Error in ==> regionprops>ParseInputs at 865
> msg = sprint('This measurement is not a string: "%d".', list{k});
> Error in ==> regionprops at 109
> [L, requestedStats] = ParseInputs(officialStats, varargin{:});

Change that line to use sprintf() instead of sprint()
From: ImageAnalyst on
Someone else already encountered this also, and I looked into it.
Read the comments on my File Exchange submission. It's a bug in
MATLAB's code, not mine. That sprint() is in one of THEIR functions
that THEY wrote. That's why you should upgrade to a newer version of
MATLAB because I know for a fact that they fixed that.

I think I remember that you can get to that source code so just take
Walter's suggestion of fixing MATLAB'S code (to sprintf) and it should
run fine after that.