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From: Danijel on 13 May 2010 06:01 Hi, I use ShellExecute to open and printing documents (HTML type of files). This works fine for opening files. I would like printing witout opening, but nothing seems to happen Does anyone has a any idea to printing HTML files witout opening I would be obliged for some ideas kind regards
From: dlzc on 13 May 2010 13:11 Dear Danijel: On May 13, 3:01 am, Danijel <danijel.koprivn...(a)> wrote: > I use ShellExecute to open and printing > documents (HTML type of files). This > works fine for opening files. I would > like printing witout opening, but nothing > seems to happen. Does anyone has a any > idea to printing HTML files witout opening > I would be obliged for some ideas IE does not support printing based on command-line commands. May not help: David A. Smith
From: richard.townsendrose on 14 May 2010 04:47 Danijel its a nightmare .... because shelecex reliese on the called programme to do whats its told... and some software like adobe 5 REFUSES to close once used for a print ... ms stuff [office] is totally unpreductable ! openoffice usually behaves as does workperfect. interestingly wordpad and notepad do whats expected I have collected over the years lots ofd code snipperts and spent hours on this problem ... below is what i finally settled for ! works mostly for adobe ! richard ********************* METHOD PrintAttachment(cDocName) CLASS MailPrint LOCAL ExecInfo IS _winSHELLEXECUTEINFO LOCAL hProc, hwnd AS PTR /* DdeClientTransaction(FilePrintTo(MyDoc.pdf,PrinterName) // close reader when print job is done DdeClientTransaction(AppExit()) */ // works but leaves app open // ShellExecute(NULL, String2Psz("print"), String2Psz(cDocName), NULL, NULL, SW_HIDE ) // does NOT print for windows picture and fax viewer ExecInfo.cbSize := _SIZEOF( _WINShellExecuteInfo ) ExecInfo.hwnd := SysObject():Handle() ExecInfo.lpVerb := String2Psz("print") ExecInfo.lpFile := String2Psz( cDocName ) ExecInfo.lpParameters := NULL ExecInfo.nShow := SW_HIDE ExecInfo.fMask := SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS + SEE_MASK_FLAG_DDEWAIT IF ShellExecuteEx( @ExecInfo ) // works // Wait while its printing hProc := ExecInfo.hProcess IF Upper(Right(cDocName,3)) == 'PDF' DO WHILE (hwnd := FindWindow(NULL_PSZ, PSZ("Adobe Reader"))) = NULL_PTR Sleep(500) ENDDO Sleep(5000) // Close PostMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0) ELSE // not adobe DO WHILE WaitForSingleObject( hProc, 0 ) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 // WAIT_TIMEOUT Sleep(500) ENDDO // Close it. SendMessage(hProc, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0) // whats the difference between send and post ? SendMessage(hProc, WM_QUIT, 0, 0) // whats the difference between send and post ? PostMessage(hProc, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0) // whats the difference between send and post ? PostMessage(hProc, WM_QUIT, 0, 0) // whats the difference between send and post ? ENDIF ELSE TextBox{SELF, 'Error','Error:' + AsString(ExecInfo.hInstApp) + CRLF + ; 'Handle:' + AsString(ExecInfo.hWnd) + CRLF + ; 'Class:' + AsString(ExecInfo.lpClass) + CRLF + ; 'Params:' + AsString(ExecInfo.lpParameters) + CRLF + ; 'Verb:' + AsString(ExecInfo.lpVerb) + CRLF + ; 'File:' + AsString(ExecInfo.lpFile) + CRLF + ; 'Mask:' + AsString(ExecInfo.fMask) + CRLF + ; 'Size:' + AsString(ExecInfo.cbSize) + CRLF + ; 'Show:' + AsString(ExecInfo.nShow)}:Show() ENDIF RETURN NIL // following are code snippets off web. // this code keeps running while the app is running. not when process is finished. /* lRunning := ( lpExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE ) DO WHILE lRunning GetExitCodeProcess( hProc, @lpExitCode ) lRunning := ( lpExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE ) ApplicationExec(EXECWHILEEVENT) ENDDO */ /* FUNCTION PrintPDFwithAdobeReader(oOwner AS OBJECT, cPDFFile AS STRING) AS VOID PASCAL LOCAL ExecInfo AS _winSHELLEXECUTEINFO LOCAL hWnd AS PTR // Allocate structure memory ExecInfo:=MemAlloc(_SizeOf(_winSHELLEXECUTEINFO)) // Structure params ExecInfo.cbSize:=_SizeOf(_winSHELLEXECUTEINFO) ExecInfo.fMask:=_Or(SEE_MASK_FLAG_DDEWAIT, SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS) // not needed ? ExecInfo.lpVerb:=PSZ("print") ExecInfo.lpFile:=PSZ(cPDFFile) ExecInfo.nShow:=SW_SHOWMINIMIZED // no effect ??? // SW_HIDE // Do it IF ShellExecuteEx(ExecInfo) oOwner:Pointer:=Pointer{POINTERHOURGLASS} // Looking for the "Adobe Reader" caption... // If it's a NULL_PTR, it is still printing... DO WHILE (hWnd:=FindWindow(NULL_PSZ, PSZ("Adobe Reader")))=NULL_PTR DoEvents() Sleep(100) ENDDO // Close it. PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0) oOwner:Pointer:=Pointer{POINTERARROW} ENDIF // Clean up MemFree(ExecInfo) */ /* METHOD OpenAndWait( cFile ) CLASS IMSDirectory LOCAL lpShellInfo IS _winShellExecuteInfo LOCAL lRet AS LOGIC LOCAL hProc AS PTR Default( @cFile, SELF:cFilePath+SELF:FileName ) IF Empty( cFile ) SELF:lErrorFlag := TRUE SELF:cErrorMessage := "Keinen Dateinamen erhalten!" ENDIF lpShellInfo.cbSize := _SizeOf( _winShellExecuteInfo ) lpShellInfo.hwnd := SELF:Owner:Handle() lpShellInfo.lpVerb := String2Psz("open") lpShellInfo.lpFile := String2Psz( cFile ) lpShellInfo.nShow := SW_ShowNormal lpShellInfo.fMask := SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS + SEE_MASK_FLAG_DDEWAIT lRet := ShellExecuteEx( @lpShellInfo ) IF lRet hProc := lpShellInfo.hProcess WHILE WaitForSingleObject( hProc, 0 ) = WAIT_TIMEOUT Sleep(500) ENDDO ENDIF RETURN */
From: Geoff Schaller on 14 May 2010 05:50 Danijel, This is not really appropriate - don't try. Nor is it a reasonable thing to do because heaps depends on the page design, underlying code and functionality. At very least you should be using an OLE web browser control where you can at least execute such functionality, assuming the page itself supports it. ShellExecute really shouldn't be used for something like this. An equivalent would be driving a car blind folded. Geoff "Danijel" <danijel.koprivnjak(a)> wrote in message news:ae3a8a2b-d54b-4585-818f-7270bd7cf0ac(a) > Hi, > > I use ShellExecute to open and printing documents (HTML type of > files). This > works fine for opening files. I would like printing witout opening, > but nothing seems to happen > Does anyone has a any idea to printing HTML files witout opening > I would be obliged for some ideas > > kind regards
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