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From: SneakyP on 13 Aug 2010 03:18 gamer_reg(a) wrote in news:9tov565j6j67d7ioc1pg1cm7cu7gmf9pda@ > On Sat, 7 Aug 2010 20:56:34 -0700 (PDT), RichA <rander3127(a)> > wrote: > >>I picked up a prime lens today, an older used one. I noticed the lens >>had a light blue coating, which was odd as this prime's coatings are >>usually brown-purple. At home, I gave the lens a swipe with a lens >>tissue, and it looked like part of the coating "rubbed off." Turns >>out, the lens was covered in a layer of tobacco smoke residue. The >>whole lens was coated with it. When I cleaned the entire front >>element surface, sure enough, the correct coating colour was revealed. >>It took an hour to clean the thing. Luckily, the inside and the back >>of the lens were ok, likely because it was inside the camera body. >>I'm glad I didn't have to see the camera. But I've seen this before >>on optics. How can anyone do this to a camera? > > How you ask? > > Because it's THEIR camera. > > They bought and paid for it and how they use and treat it is their > choice just as how you use and treat your camera is your choice. > > Do you have a problem with free choice? Depends upon their free choice of selling it as fitting the description of what they are selling. Such descriptions of it's condition as "good" is not as germane as calling it "good condidtion for its' usage parameters" Further inquiry or description of the condition of such a thing shoud have been of tantamount importance as to the new owner's intent to use it as a lens rather than a dust collector of nicotine-tobbacco smokers or doorstop wedger or paperweight holder. Do you have a computer to build or something? -- __ SneakyP To email me, you know what to do. Supernews, if you get a complaint from a Jamie Baillie, please see: |