From: Larry on
But, using the syntax you gave me,

sText = Replace(sText, Chr(147),Chr(34))

I've been trying to do something else, and can't get it.

When I copy multiple paragraphs, I want to change the paragraph break
between paragraphs (as well as the end of last paragraph) to the paragraph
break plus html tag <p>, like this:

So I want to change this:

Gen. McChrystal resigned today.

Pres. Obama accepted his resignation.

to this:

Gen. McChrystal resigned today.<p>

Pres. Obama accepted his resignation.<p>

From: Mayayana on

| So I want to change this:
| Gen. McChrystal resigned today.
| Pres. Obama accepted his resignation.
| to this:
| Gen. McChrystal resigned today.<p>
| Pres. Obama accepted his resignation.<p>

I don't quite follow that. you realize that
a <P> needs a </P>? In any case, you can
use any string with Replace. It doesn't have
to be a single character. You'll have to check
what you're getting in between pragraphs. If
it's vbCrLf & vbCrLf you can use something like:

s = Replace(s, vbCrLf & vbCrLf, vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "<P>")

I leave a number of scripts on my desktop for
that sort of thing. For instance, I've got one that
converts a DOC to plain text, one that makes sure
a text file is ANSI, and one that fixes returns in
Unix file downloads or other file types that don't
use vbCrLf for returns.

From: Larry on
Yes, that works. Thanks very much.

You wrote:

> I don't quite follow that. you realize that
> a <P> needs a </P>?

I'm not sure what you mean. Each paragraph break takes a <p>. I've never
seen an html tag "</p>".


From: Mayayana on

| I'm not sure what you mean. Each paragraph break takes a <p>. I've never
| seen an html tag "</p>".

That's the closing tag. Most HTML tags have a closing
tag, except things like <BR> that don't cover any defined
area. It sounds like you need an HTML reference. :)

From: "Dave "Crash" Dummy" on
Mayayana wrote:
> |
> | I'm not sure what you mean. Each paragraph break takes a <p>. I've never
> | seen an html tag "</p>".
> |
> That's the closing tag. Most HTML tags have a closing
> tag, except things like <BR> that don't cover any defined
> area. It sounds like you need an HTML reference. :)

Like this:

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
~ Samuel Johnson ~