From: ben harper on
I use Band-Limited White Noise in Simulink
It needs two parameters: noise power & sampling time.
I understand the latter.

In help it says that "noise power" is height of the PSD.
Is it the variance of the white noise?
Because i need to cretae a white noise with variance..

Thank you in advance.
From: Idin Motedayen-Aval on
ben harper wrote:
> I use Band-Limited White Noise in Simulink
> It needs two parameters: noise power & sampling time.
> I understand the latter.
> In help it says that "noise power" is height of the PSD.
> Is it the variance of the white noise?
> Because i need to cretae a white noise with variance..
> Thank you in advance.

Your terminology is a bit off, but generally, yes, that will be the
variance of each random variable in the white noise process.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by "create a white noise
with variance."

Idin Motedayen-Aval
The MathWorks, Inc.
zq=[4 2 5 -15 -1 -3 24 -57 45 -12 19 -12 15 -8 3 -7 8 -69 53 12 -2];
char(filter(1,[1,-1],[105 zq])), clear zq