From: Haitham Tahbub on 1 May 2010 09:01 i am a beginner in Simulink Matlab and i want to build in Simulink my m file that i have implemented for my graduation project as matlab code . and this is the beginning of the building process because the first thing in my code was :- load two .wav signals for ex. as in my code : y1= wavread('0_3la.wav'); y2= wavread('0_ali.wav'); the result dimensions are = size (y1) ans = 1 X 21893 And size ( y2) ans = 1 X 15940 ------------ then after this i want to use the spectrogram for these signals :- for ex in my code :- dr1 =specgram(y1,512,384,hann(512),256); dr2 =specgram(y2,512,384,hann(512),256); ---------------------------- so the result dr1 and dr2 sizes are :- size (dr1) ans = 257 X 84 And size (dr2) ans = 257 X 61 __________________ So can you help me to modify my .mdl to get the same sizes of matrices that i am having when applying the commands above . help please Regards Haitham
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