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From: Avishek on 16 Mar 2010 20:58 Hi, I'm having trouble getting a fixed step solver in Simulink to give reasonable results. I have a controller and model in Simulink which simulates fine when using ode23s (fast and slow dynamics present). Even when I change the max and min step size to almost the same (0.0049 and 0.005) the simulation runs fine. However I need to get the controller working with a fixed step solver so I can interface it with a particular high fidelity model. When I run the simulation with a fixed step size (0.005) my results tend to inf and I get an error. Reducing the step size doesn't help and I've tried 0de1-5. ode4 is what we normally use with the high fidelity model. Any tips? Or methods for getting the fixed step solver to run more like ode23s? Will apreciate any comments. Regards, Avi
From: Avishek on 16 Mar 2010 21:03
Sorry this is a double post. Please ignore and reply to the original. |