From: Intransition on
Thanks Robert and Caleb. At least it makes sense --even if it doesn't
make sense ;-)

> Ah, but constant lookup is supposed to check the ancestors if the
> constant is not found in the scope. M should be among the ancestors of
> o's singleton class, shouldn't it? I would have expected this to work.
> OTOH, constant lookup is confusing.
> This way works:
>  module M
>    class X; end
>  end
>  o =  # => #<Object:0x7fc61f1a1e58>
>  (class << o; self; end).class_eval{ include M } # => #<Object:0x7fc61f1a1e58>
>  #or o.extend M as well, presumably
>   class<<o
>     def x; X end
>   end
>  o.x   #=>M::X
> See which the lookup
> rules are summarized as:
>   (Module.nesting + container.ancestors + Object.ancestors).uniq
> #slightly paraphrased
> I guess the key point to understand is that for singleton methods,
> container is the (static) module of class enclosing the singleton
> method, NOT the singleton class that they affect.

I supposed, but that doesn't seem quite right, as the document pointed
out that "self.ancestors" should be looked up. Shouldn't that catch
the singleton class too?

Honestly. Something is not right if these are not the same:

class << o
def x; X end

def o.x; X; end
