From: Leanne Wu on

I am working on a project to integrate another site into our site.
What happened is like this:

1. I have a iframe with the src referenced to a special folder
(SiteIntegration) in our site (original site).

2. I have a HTTPHandler which acting as reverse proxy to make request
to the target site and I have the following config in web.config

<add verb="*" path="SiteIntegration/*"

3. I created a request to the target url in the ReverseProxy--
ProcessRequest sub. (Adding right authentication), and I got response
from the request, but alll the image files can't be displayed
properly (static contents, such as text, options are displayed
properly), and I got jave script error ---'sys' is not defined. And
all the links doen't work either.

4. Both the original site and the target site are developed with, and the target site is developed and maintained by another
company. We need to include the target site into our site, make it
look like it is originating from our site. ( We use IIS in our site, I
guess the target site must be same. )

5. The other site's developer said they had changed all the path to be
relative path. And it is working completely fine from the browser.

6. Can someone please give me some suggestions or ideas, am I on right
track? What need to be done to get it work? How about the target site?
what do they need to do? Is there any config, settings etc? From what
I understand, reverse proxy seems to be the right choice. If not, what
is the other way?

many thanks in advance.